ACACIA Register

Join ACACIA’s Consumer and Carer Research Register

If you are a mental health consumer or carer and you would like to become involved in ACACIA’s research or training opportunities please fill in the form below.  There is no obligation for members of the register to become involved in ACACIA’s research. However, if you put your name on the register we will let you know of opportunities as they arise.


By becoming involved in ACACIA’s research activities you will have opportunities to:

  • Share your ideas (e.g. for research topics) in forums, surveys or discussion groups
  • Contribute to research designed to make a difference to the lives of consumers and carers
  • Learn about research
  • Receive our Insight newletter twice a year
  • Meet other consumers and carers.
Your details
Please provide us with your current contact details.
Please provide us with your preferences