Healthy Environments And Lives (HEAL) 2021 Conference

HEAL Conference 2021
Join us at the 2-day virtual and live HEAL 2021 Conference to experience an inspirational forum for knowledge transfer, scientific debate, and community-wide conversations about human health, climate and environmental change solutions in Australia. It involves researchers, policy makers, health practitioners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, community members, charities, businesses and other stakeholders from across Australia.
This highly innovative conference will have a hybrid multi-node format, which will stimulate debate, provide in-person interaction and networking opportunities for participants covering all Australian jurisdictions, as well as an enhanced online experience for virtual participation from Australia and overseas.
Please submit an abstract to present your research or community project, and register to attend the event and share your knowledge.
Download the promotional flyer here.
Professor Sotiris Vardoulakis and the HEAL Network look forward to welcoming you to HEAL 2021.

Conference Themes

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and knowledge translation for building resilience to environmental change
  • Health system resilience to environmental change and sustainability
  • Bushfires, air pollution, heatwaves, and other extreme events, and their impact on physical, mental, and community health
  • Food, soil and water safety and security in a changing environment
  • Biosecurity, COVID-19 and emerging Infections in the context of environmental change
  • Urban health, built environment and nature based solutions
  • Rural and remote health
  • Clean energy solutions for healthy environments and lives
  • At-risk populations, early life effects and life-course solutions
  • Data and decision support systems for environmental health applications
  • Science communication, citizen science, and risk perception
  • Health equity


Updated:  12 October 2021/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer