Integrated services – The holy grail

South Liverpool NHS Treatment Centre

John has been actively involved in the development of initiatives to improve integration in the NHS in the north of England.  Through the various forms of primary health care organisations; practice based commissioning, PCG’s, PCTs and Clinical Commissioning Groups he has experienced the system as a General Practitioner, Commissioner and provider of services.

In this presentation he will address;

  • What does “Integrated Services” mean?
  • What can “Integrating Services” achieve?
  • What works and what doesn’t?
  • Are there wider implications than just service change?

He will illustrate what has been learnt through experience in Healthy Liverpool Program; clinical pathways in areas such as anticoagulation, diabetes and COPD; co-location of social and health care services and integration of services vertically (with specialists and acute care) and horizontally (with primary health care and social care services)

About the presenter

John Hussey MBChB (Liverpool 1980);  DRCOG; FRCGP

After GP training, became a partner at The Elms Medical Centre, Liverpool in 1985 where he continues to practice. Initially he sub specialised in GP Postgraduate Education as a Trainer, Course Organiser, and finally Associate Director within Mersey Deanery before moving into the commissioning world as Medical Director of Central Liverpool PCT (2004)  and then Liverpool PCT for whom he was PEC Chair 2006 to 2012.  Liverpool PCT’s Primary Care Strategy was the forerunner of the current CCG led “Healthy Liverpool Program” and involved the development of Practice Based Commissioning  which was the prelude to Clinical Commissioning Groups.

As NHS England was formed he secured the role of Medical Director for NHS England (Merseyside) in October 2012 and worked in that role until October 2014. This involved strategic input to Specialised and Primary Care Commissioning as well as being Responsible Officer for the @1100 Merseyside GPs.

In November 2014 he left NHS England to increase his time back in practice (due to sudden capacity issues) and has also taken up a consultancy role with Liverpool Community Health providing clinical leadership for their restructure and work on integration of community based services.

His interests are in reduction of Health Inequalities and the role of an integrated Primary and Community service offer in supporting such reduction.

Updated:  22 September 2017/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer