Tales from the Field - MAE 2019 cohort

Girl reading a map with a globe next to her

A national multi-jurisdictional outbreak investigation of Salmonella Heidelberg
Elenor Kerr is a first year Master of Applied Epidemiology (MAE) Scholar with placements at the Communicable Diseases Branch, Queensland Health and at the Pasteur Institute Cambodia as part of the AEASN-Australia Health Security Fellowship Program. Elenor completed a Master of Public Health (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) at the University of Melbourne and has professional experience coordinating randomized-controlled trials. Her professional background is primarily in international public health with years spent working on sexual and reproductive health programmes in the Asia Pacific region, particularly in Myanmar and China.

HOTspots: antimicrobial resistance surveillance in northern Australia
Laura Goddard is a postgraduate student in the Master of Philosophy (Applied Epidemiology) at Australia National University. She completed her undergraduate degree in nursing and worked in acute care for two years before catching the travellers’ bug. After a couple of years of backpacking her way around much of South and South-east Asia and a stint living in French Canada, Laura returned to Australia to study international relations and public health at the University of Melbourne. Since then Laura has worked in data and project management roles on various epidemiological studies at Cancer Council Victoria and more recently in infectious disease prevention and control through the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and outbreak response at the World Health Organisation. She has joined the MAE program to pursue her interests in global health and development and to gain further experience in infectious disease epidemiology. Outside of work Laura enjoys learning French, cycling, hiking, and Darwin-style beach volleyball.

Hendra in the Hunter
Stephanie Wheeler is an MAE Scholar working in Health Protection at Hunter New England Health. She is a Registered Nurse with a background in communications and a Master of International Public Health. She has spent the last few years working in health security at WHO in Cambodia developing public health emergency preparedness, detection and response mechanisms. Her current research focuses on malaria surveillance in Solomon Islands and evaluating Papua New Guinea’s field epidemiology training program. She enjoys getting out into the field, the local farmer’s market and the beaches that drew her back to Australia.

Dr Kirsten Williamson is a Public Health Medicine Registrar and MAE Scholar based at Hunter New England Population Health in Newcastle. She is also an Emergency Medicine Registrar with experience working across regional NSW. She has particular interest in infectious diseases and health equity issues. Current research focuses include group A streptococcal infections, meningococcal mortality and measles epidemiology. Other interests include travelling, hiking and good gin (in responsibility quantities).

Updated:  19 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer