Thesis Proposal Review: Using digital tools to improve immunisation information systems in the Pacific Islands



Immunisation information systems produce data that can be used to guide decisions about immunisation programs and measure progress towards achieving goals. Digital tools, like electronic immunisation registers and health management information systems, have the potential to strengthen information systems through improvements in the quality, timeliness and availability of data. Global development partners, including the World Bank, have prioritised the implementation of digital tools to address the challenges of delivering mass COVID-19 vaccination programs especially in low and middle income countries (LMICs). However, existing evidence supporting the effectiveness of digital tools comes largely from high income countries, where the systems, infrastructures and workforce structure are vastly different to that in LMICs. Evidence from LMICs is largely based on case studies rather than systematic evaluations of their effectiveness and contribution to improving information systems. Data on the effectiveness of these tools in improving immunisation system outcomes (such as vaccine coverage) and their sustainability is also lacking.

Pacific Island Countries and areas (PICs) offer a unique setting to evaluate the use of digital tools. PICs face numerous challenges to delivering immunisation programs, including limited workforce capacity and predominantly paper-based information systems. However, several digital tools were implemented to support the delivery of COVID-19 vaccination programs.

This thesis aims to examine the role of digital tools implemented for COVID-19 vaccination programs in improving immunisation information systems in PICs.


Cyra PatelCyra Patel is a PhD candidate with an interest in health systems and health policy. Cyra is supervised by A/Prof Meru Sheel, Dr Ginny Sargent and Dr Akeem Ali. Prior to undertaking her PhD, Cyra developed technical advice and recommendations for immunisation policy at a national level in Australia. 

Updated:  3 March 2022/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer