April news about Environment Climate and Health

4 April 2018

March was a busy month for the ECH group. Within our small group, we submitted 1 ARC discovery fellowship and 2 grants/fellowships to NHMRC, submitted an invited revision of a grant to the National MS Society, and began preparations for a clinical trial funded by the MRFF. We have been guest editing a special issue on ‘Changing times for vitamin D’ for the journal, Nutrients, which has seen many submissions of varying quality. Teaching has consumed much of our collective time, with the group convening both Fundamentals of Epidemiology and Human Health, Environment and Climate for the Masters of Public Health and Spatial Population data Analysis for the Master of Demography. Erin Walsh has been fantastically helpful in managing the graphics for an invited chapter on ozone depletion for an undergraduate textbook. Specific outputs are noted below.

Papers accepted/published:

  1. Khan S, Whiteman D, Kimlin M, Janda M, Clarke M, Lucas RM, Neale RA. Effect of solar ultraviolet radiation exposure on serum 25(OH)D concentration: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences (accepted 28 Mar 2018)


  1. Russell RD, Lucas RM, Brennan V, Sherriff JL, Begley A, Ausimmune Investigator Group, Black LJ. Reported Changes in Dietary Behaviour Following a First Clinical Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Demyelination (accepted 5 Mar 2018)

Updated:  20 April 2018/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer