April report for Epidemiology for Policy and Practice

3 April 2019

Good News

  • Welcome to new staff:
    • Emily Colonna will provide research support for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Program across a range of projects. This includes working on the Mayi Kuwayu Study and the FaCtS Study.
    • Amelia Yazidjoglou will provide research support for the Person-Centred Outcomes.
  • Congratulations to Minnie Salmon who is going to Oxford to do a PhD in Genomics.
  • Congratulations to Ray Lovett who won the 2018 Lowitja Institute Research Leadership Award.


Implementation, Engagement and Outreach

  • Emily Banks and Jason Agostino met with ACT Health Minister Fitzharris to follow up about a project proposal regarding secondary CVD in the ACT (13 March 2019).
  • As of Monday, 1 April there will be a new Medicare item for heart health assessments. Jason Agostino met with members of the Department of Health’s Medicare Benefits Schedule review team to discuss the new item descriptor.
  • The Mayi Kuwayu Study has received over 5,000 surveys to date, making it the current largest longitudinal study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults.
  • Jason Agostino, Karl Skewes, Deb Wong and Emily Banks submitted a report to the Australian Government Department of Health “Status report on implementation of strategy to support revision and alignment of guidelines for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment and management”.
  • Rosemary Korda attended the Health Statistics Advisory Group Meeting held at the ABS 20 March 2019.
  • Rosemary Korda attended a Roundtable on Data Sharing and Release Legislation at the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.




Publications – For information - NCEPH document updated.

  • No new publications.



Publications – For information - NCEPH document updated.

  • No new publications.

Updated:  6 June 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer