August report for Integration and Implementation of Sciences

1 August 2018


Gabriele Bammer was featured in an article in Nature Sustainability (, which reported on the meeting of leaders of interdisciplinary organisations that she co-organised and co-hosted with the US National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center in Annapolis Maryland in March.623741


Gabriele Bammer has been invited by the Austrian Science Fund to chair the selection panel for a new interdisciplinary research funding scheme targeted at early career researchers. The selection panel will meet in Vienna in early December.




Bammer, G (2018) ‘A checklist for documenting knowledge synthesis’ Integration and Implementation Insights, July


Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane continued to publish weekly blog posts in the Integration and Implementation Insights blog ( – this month from contributors in Argentina, Australia, Germany, Mexico, Switzerland and the USA. Topics covered were: top ten tips for collaboration and team science, lessons from Latin America on institutionalising interdisciplinarity (also published in Spanish), competences required for transdisciplinary research and how they can be taught, and changes over time in a group’s knowledge synthesis about participatory modelling. The blog reached a milestone in publishing its 200th post.


The journal GAIA published #4 in the series Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research on building blocks for systems thinking ( Gabriele Bammer is commissioning editor.




Gabriele Bammer finalised a report for Defence Science and Technology on a Collaborative Project Agreement addressing “Fresh Thinking on Uncertainty, Unknowns and Ignorance: Establishing proof of concept for convening seven working groups to investigate approaches for eliciting, understanding, modelling and managing unknowns.”


Gabriele Bammer presented an invited seminar at the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research on “Comprehensive vs practical: Designing inter- and trans-disciplinary research on complex real-world problems”


Gabriele Bammer presented an NCEPH seminar “Co-production with stakeholders in research on complex real-world problems: Who? How? Where?” based on a recently submitted paper.

Updated:  2 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer