August report for Integration and Implementation Sciences

7 August 2019

Outreach and engagement

In July the i2Insights blog (, curated by Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane published the latest PHXchange blog post by Aparna Lal on ‘Five lessons for early career researchers in interacting with policymakers?’ ( Blog posts were also published on improving decision making through scenarios and through four patterns of thought, as well as on five principles of co-innovation and how to support research consortia.

Gabriele Bammer was invited to participate in an Austrian Science Fund meeting to develop an new transdisciplinary research funding program and did so remotely.

Papers accepted/published:

Bammer, G. 2019 ‘Key issues in co-creation with stakeholders when research problems are complex’ Evidence and Policy Available in fast track on 22/7/19.

Gordon, I., Bawa, K., Bammer, G., Boone, C., Dunne, J., Hart, D., Hellmann, J., Miller, A., New, M., Ometto, J., Pickett, S., Wendorf, G., Agrawal, A., Bertsch, P., Campbell, C., Dodd, P., Janetos, A., Mallee, H., Taylor K. 2019 ‘Forging future organizational leaders for sustainability science’ Nature Sustainability Accepted 16/7/19

Progress on research projects

Good progress was made in July by Caryn Anderson, Peter Deane and Gabriele Bammer on developing a new unified classification system for resources across the i2Insights blog, i2S website and PHXchange webpages.

The ANU/Defence Science and Technology project on unknown unknowns led by Gabriele Bammer was kept busy responding to and collating applications from potential participants.