COVID-19 quiz helps weed out fake news

Stick figure drawing of people in their homes, stylised COVID19 virus, and pen and paper
4 May 2020

A new national survey is being launched in an effort to find out what the public know about COVID-19 and help improve health guidance. 

Dr Tambri Housen, from the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at The Australian National University (ANU), says the survey will help Australians through the coronavirus "information pandemic".   

"We want to make sure that people receive the correct information so they can make informed decisions about how to protect themselves and their loved ones from COVID-19," Dr Housen said. 

"There is an overwhelming amount of information about coronavirus and a lot of it is helping spread misinformation - which leaves the population at greater risk.   

"The survey will help us grasp what gaps exist in public communications, as well as correct any misinformation." 

It is hoped the anonymous online survey will provide a snapshot of common beliefs and practices around COVID-19 to help agencies deliver communications. It will also show how people are sourcing information about COVID-19. 

"We need to know what people understand and believe about COVID-19 to improve risk messaging," Dr Housen said. 

"This is a chance to ensure Australians have accurate information about protecting their health during this pandemic." 

Due to the everchanging situation, three surveys will be released to track changing conditions. 

"This study will help us produce the most comprehensive and accurate data sets of community understanding at all stages of COVID-19."  

The first of the voluntary surveys will take approximately 20-25 minutes to complete and will close on 31 May 2020.