Infant formula or breastfeeding: How big formula influences parents

12 September 2018

By Annika Blau ABC News published Thursday 19th July 2018.

Infant formula is a wonder product for some working mums and those who can't or don't want to breastfeed.

But it's also a wonder product for big business, with an ever-renewing target market.

How to feed your baby can be a fraught decision at a time when emotions are running high and advice can be conflicting.

While the "breast is best" narrative is front and centre in Australia, the influence of infant formula companies on parents starts at local hospitals and supermarkets and travels to the corridors of the World Health Organisation and the White House.

Last week, the US government was accused of threatening Ecuador with sanctions unless it watered down a World Health Assembly resolution for all countries to "protect and promote" breastfeeding.

Closer to home, public health groups have sounded the alarm on formula marketing as the Australian Government revises its National Breastfeeding Strategy, at a time when only one in 10 babies is meeting national breastfeeding guidelines.

You can read the article in full here