July report for Integration and Implementation Sciences

3 July 2019

Keynote and invited presentations

Gabriele Bammer gave invited presentations at the following events:

  • CSIRO Environmental Prediction Symposium: New horizons of future-focused science and application, National Museum, Canberra, June 4-5 (Disciplining interdisciplinarity and embracing unknowns)
  • Modelling Complex Warfighting Strategic Research Investment Symposium, UNSW, Sydney, June 4-5 (Improving Decision Making in the Face of Multiple Ignorance, Unknowns and Uncertainties)
  • Murray-Darling Basin Authority internal seminar series, Canberra, June 12 (What expertise do you need to deal with “wicked” problems?)
  • ANU Public Policy and Societal Impact Hub Masterclass: Influencing Public Policy, Canberra June 21

    She was also an invited to attend and gave a presentation at a Belmont Forum workshop on transdisciplinary metrics at the National Science Foundation in Washington DC June 28-28 (virtual attendance).

RSPH workshops and seminars

Gabriele Bammer organised the fourth in a series of School-wide seminars on impact and engagement for the PHXchange. Julie Smith and David McDonald spoke on ‘Persistence and Research Impact.’

Outreach and engagement

Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane followed up a successful meeting of leaders of inter- and trans- disciplinary research organisations in the Oceania region by establishing a well-received website for the group at http://nitro-oceania.net.

Gabriele Bammer was invited to join the ANU Policy Greenhouse Fund Committee to assess Policy Greenhouse proposals and provide strategic advice on the futures of Policy Greenhouse projects.

In June the i2Insights blog (http://i2Insights.org), curated by Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane published the latest PHXchange blog post by Siobhan Bourke and Emily Lancsar on ‘Managing uncertainty in decision making: What can we learn from economics?’ (https://i2insights.org/2019/06/04/economics-lessons-for-managing-uncertainty/). Blog posts were also published on what makes government policy successful, agent-based modelling for knowledge synthesis and decision support, and lessons for funding transformative research.

Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane produced the May/June i2S News (https://i2s.anu.edu.au/what-i2s/i2s-publications/i2s-news), which features the dialogue tool “Principled negotiation” and concept that “Collaboration = harnessing and managing differences”. The News also provides information about the journal “Knowledge Management Research and Practice” and the network “Progressive Connexions”. Information is also provided on the upcoming 3rd Annual Systems Modelling Conference. These have all recently been added as resources to the Integration and Implementation Sciences website (https://i2s.anu.edu.au/resources).