June news about Environment Climate and Health group

8 June 2018

Papers accepted/published:

Wright CY, Kapwata T, du Plessis JL, Kunene Z, Albers P, Lucas RM. Towards a reliable, non-invasive melanin assessment for pigmented skin. Skin Research and Techololgy (accepted 6 May 2018)

Lucas RM, Neale RA, Madronich S, McKenzie R. Are current guidelines for sun protection optimal for health? Exploring the evidence. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences (accepted 21 May 2018)

Tao C, Simpson S, Taylor BV, Blizzard L, Lucas RM, Ponsonby A-L, Broadley S, van der Mei I. Onset symptoms, tobacco smoking and progressive-onset phenotype are associated with delayed onset of multiple sclerosis, and marijuana use with an earlier onset. Frontiers in Neurology (accepted 22 May 2018)


Robyn Lucas presented at the MS Lifestyles Symposium in Sydney, on modifiable risk factors for the onset of multiple sclerosis. Robyn Lucas presented on the Epidemiology of MS in Australia and New Zealand at the Consortium for MS Centres symposium in Nashville Tennessee.


ECH course convenors welcomed the conclusion of first semester – congratulations to Rachael Rodney-Harris (Fundamentals of Epidemiology), and Aparna Lal and Emily Wilford (Human Health, Environment and Climate).


NCEPH co-hosted the 2018 ACT MS Symposium, co-chaired by Robyn Lucas. Around 50 people with MS and their families and friends attended the one-day event, aimed at bringing the scientific research on MS at ANU and more widely in Australia to the ACT MS community.

Rachael Rodney-Harris presented “Pint of Science” in a Science in the Pub talk on RSPH’s work on sun exposure, vitamin D and health.


The PFAS Study welcomed Dr Katherine Todd as the PFAS Study coordinator. Katherine is a public health physician who has just finished the MAE program with NSW Health.