March report for Epidemiology for Policy and Practice

6 March 2019

Good News

  • Welcome to Ellie’s baby – Catherine Paige Chisholm.
  • Welcome to new staff:
    • Jennifer Walker is working with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Group as a Research Assistant. 
    • Eva Smeets is working as a Research Assistant for EPP in cardiovascular diseases.
    • Holly Vuong is working as a Project Manager in the Humanitarian Health Team.
    • Mitchell McMaster is working with Emily Banks as a Research Assistant.
    • Carolyn Renehan is working with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Group as a Research Assistant.


      Implementation, Engagement and Outreach

  • Emily Banks, Jason Agostino and Professor Kirsty Douglas (ANU Medical School) met with the ACT Health Minister to discuss approaches to strengthening CVD prevention in the ACT and potential collaborative projects.
  • Rosemary Korda met with Lynelle Moon from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) in Jan 2019 to discuss collaborating on various CVD projects and a potential jointly supervised AIHW and ANU PhD candidate.
  • Emily Banks attended the 60th anniversary of the Heart Foundation at Government House on Sunday.
  • The main stage mail out of the Mayi Kuwayi Study occurred in early February, with 180,000 surveys mailed to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults across the country
  • Ray Lovett and Katie Thurber attended the first meeting of the international coalition to end combustible tobacco use (Feb 20th).
  • Ray Lovett and Katie Thurber attended the 2019 meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.
  • Ray Lovett and Katie Thurber gave a talk to the Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice, & Health at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health: Measuring racism and its impacts in the Mayi Kuwayu Study: a national study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and wellbeing (Feb 25th).
  • Katie Thurber gave a talk for ABC Ockham’s Razor that was aired on ABC Radio National (Feb 24th) and is now available as a podcast.
  • Jill Guthrie was invited to be part of the organising committee for the PHAA Justice Health Conference to be held in Sydney in April 2019.
  • Rosemary Korda attended the AIHW Insights Workshop on Data Linkage for stakeholders (27 February 2019).


  • Publications – For information - NCEPH document updated.

  1. Paige E, O’Donoughue Jenkins L, Daluwatta A, Agostino J, Banks E, Phillips C. Improving Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Australia through Living Clinical Guidelines for Absolute Risk Assessment and Management. Accepted Heart Lung Circ.
  2. Du W, Gnjidic D, Joshy G, Day C, Banks E et al. Factors associated with Home Medicine Review. Accepted BMJ Open.
  3. Nguyen B, Gale, J, Nassar N, Bauman A, Joshy G, Ding D. Breastfeeding and cardiovascular disease hospitalisation and mortality in parous women: Evidence from a large Australian cohort study. Accepted 1 Feb 2019 J. Am. Heart Assoc.
  4. Cuevas A, Chen R, Thurber K, Slopen N, Williams D. Psychosocial Stress and Overweight and Obesity: Results from the Chicago Community Adult Health Study. Accepted Ann Behav Med.
  5. Sarich P, Canfell K, Banks E, Paige E, Egger S, Joshy G, Korda R, Weber M. A prospective study of health conditions related to alcohol consumption cessation among 72,368 drinkers aged 45 and over in Australia. Accepted 9 Feb 2019 Alcohol Clin Exp Res.

Updated:  6 June 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer