May report for Data Analysis for Population Health Hub

1 May 2019

Other conference presentations

Alice Richardson presented joint work with Nidhi Menon on “Multiple imputation in three level models” at the 12th International Multilevel Conference, April 9 – 10 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

RSPH workshops and seminars

On 29 April DAPH arranged a tour of the VIDEA lab hosted by Nasser Bagheri.

Outreach and engagement

On 30 April a blog post by Alice Richardson titled “What every interdisciplinarian should know about p values” appeared on the blog. It has already received over 100 views and 3 comments.

Alice Richardson provided an example of the impact of research on research participants.  Alice talked about her dad being interviewed by Dr Georgia Pike as part of a CRAHW research project. Alice highlighted the importance of treating people with respect and that our older generations have a lot to bring to research projects.

Updated:  29 September 2021/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer