New guidelines on principles and care for people with dementia released

6 December 2016

The CMRC Partnership Centre for Dealing with Cognitive and Related Functional Decline in Older People recently released a consumer companion guide to the Clinical Practice Guidelines and Principles of Care for People with Dementia.

The document was developed in collaboration with consumer advisors and is a consumer version of the Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines and Principles of Care for People with Dementia.

Professor Kaarin Anstey, Director of the Dementia Collaborative Research Centre - Early Diagnosis and Prevention said, "The guidelines provide consumers and carers with comprehensive information that is easy to understand, together with strategies to cope with diagnosis through to end-of-life care."

"While written with a consumer perspective, they also provide valuable insight for researchers and health professionals in both understanding the consumer viewpoint, and interpreting the consumer's needs, wants and fears about a dementia diagnosis. This is important for us to understand as we develop research proposals, and provide the level of care and support that people with dementia require."