New research reveals sports participation influences vaping behaviour in young people
New research from the Generation Vape research project shows that participation in sports and athletic performance are protective factors against the use of e-cigarettes (vaping). The study shows that young people valued their ability to participate in sports to the extent that it impacted their decision to take up vaping or consider quitting and that they were experiencing negative health effects such as breathlessness, even during low intensity physical activity such as walking.
Previous research from Generation Vape showed in 2022-2023, 30% of Australian adolescents (aged 12-17 years) had used vapes which researchers say is alarming as this age group is particularly vulnerable to the negative health impacts of nicotine and these devices.
“Some of the participants in our study noted a decline in fitness and sports performance due to vaping,” says Amelia Yazidjoglou, a PhD student from the Australian National University with Generation Vape, “they said they were experiencing shortness of breath and other health issues during physical activity and sports, while those who had stopped vaping reported improvements after quitting.”
“I started trying to get fitter as well, and vaping wasn’t helping, so that was another reason to [quit]... I just started working out and stuff, and I was thinking about doing boxing and AFL, but yeah... I can’t do that while vaping.” (Former user, 14 -15 years male).
Ms Yazidjoglou says there is a long history of tobacco companies sponsoring sporting players, teams and events, “this sponsorship helps associate their brand with healthy lifestyles, reach younger audiences and often provides an avenue to evade advertising restrictions”. By associating themselves with the broadcasting of these sports and creation of sporting documentaries, the tobacco industry continues to benefit from extensive brand exposure whilst influencing young people watching.
“Elite athletes are often seen as positive role models for adolescents, promoting not only their athletic ability but also healthy lifestyles,” says Emily Jenkinson, Co-investigator of Generation Vape and Tobacco Control Projects Lead at Cancer Council NSW, “when these public figures demonstrate favourable attitudes towards vaping, it can normalise the behaviour and minimise the harms associated.”
These findings underscore the importance of sport participation in preventing vaping uptake and supporting quitting among adolescents. Ms Jenkinson says that future prevention campaigns would be enhanced by emphasising the impact of vaping on sports performance, “There is also a clear need, as highlighted in this study, to enforce stricter regulation of tobacco and vaping industry sponsorship in sports to reduce youth exposure to marketing and promotion. This, along with further encouragement of kids participating in sports, could support in steering them away from vaping.” Ms Jenkinson concludes.
By Claudia Bernardi, Cancer Council NSW.