November report for Integration and Implementation Sciences

7 November 2018


Gabriele Bammer has discussed potential new collaborations with the ANU Institute for Space and Professor Sujan Marahatta from the Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences in Nepal.



October contributions to the i2Insights blog ( covered why language matters in transdisciplinarity, and strategies for improving knowledge exchange among scientists and decision makers, as well as for ensuring policies are backed by evidence. A new partnership was initiated between the blog and the RSPH PopHealthXchange. The first blog post in this partnership is by Michelle Banfield and addresses a flexible framework for stakeholder engagement. The blog is now three years old.


Bammer, G (2018) ‘Conditions for co-creation’ Integration and Implementation Insights, October


Bammer, G. Commissioning editor, Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research Framework #5 2018 ‘Knowledge co-production: An analytical framework’ by Andreas Muhar and Marianne Penker, M. GAIA, 27(3) 272;

Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane published the September/October i2S News ( It presents a repository of 500+ tools for design thinking and provides information on the EURO Journal on Decision Processes as well as the Complex Systems Society. Information is also provided on three upcoming conferences. These have all recently been added as resources to the Integration and Implementation Sciences website (, which also has a new more accessible home page.


Gabriele Bammer served as the Vice-Chancellor’s representative on the review of the School of Regulation and Global Governance.

Updated:  2 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer