September report for Society Culture and Health

4 September 2019

Outreach and engagement

Jodie Leu was interviewed for a blog featuring women in STEM at

Jodie Leu was in the video for the ANU Health Hackathon 2019 highlights reel uploaded on the ANU Youtube channel:

Jodie Leu presented her Health Hackathon team solution alongside other presenters at the Square One Networking Evening on 21st August, 2019.

Lyndall Strazdins organised and hosted “Next steps for Paid Parental Leave: Advancing Leave Policy in Australia”, held  Luat the ANU Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

Liana Leach presented Fathers care and gender equity at “Next steps for Paid Parental Leave: Advancing Leave Policy in Australia”, held at the ANU Thursday, August 22nd, 2019.