Centre of Research Excellence in Cognitive Health launch

Morning tea

Our brains change as we age.  This is natural.

We might slow down, but our ability to think, reason, plan, learn and remember is essential to our overall health.

We need to do all we can to support our cognition during the ageing process and mind our own business.

So put your thinking caps on and join us at the launch and public forum of the new Centre of Excellence in Cognitive Health. Researchers here aim to translate and implement knowledge to promote cognitive health in the community.

Speakers include

  • Professor Brian P. Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor, ANU 
  • Dr Paul Kelly, Chief Health Officer & Deputy Director General, Population Health Division, ACT Health 
  • Professor Kaarin Anstey, Director, Centre of Research Excellence in Cognitive Health, ANU
  • and Chief Investigators from the Centre of Research Excellence in Cognitive Health

Minding Our Own Business Panel Discussion

The forum panel discussion is moderated by ABC Radio's Adam Shirley

Afterwards join us for morning tea and meet the presenters.

The Public Forum is an initiative of the ANU-led Centre of Excellence in Cognitive Health

Updated:  21 September 2017/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer