The data

Data collection

Each wave of data collection takes place over three years, with the young, midlife and older cohorts interviewed over consecutive years. Participants are asked to complete an interview online (or in some cases by phone, or on paper) with trained interviewers conducting face to face interviews with those located in the ACT/Queanbeyan area, and travelling to other centres. Those currently living overseas are asked to complete an interview online.

This sample diagram (PDF, 93KB) shows the number of participants in each cohort with dates of assessment.

Analysis of PATH data

Analysis of PATH data is primarily performed within CRAHW once data is de-identified. There are also a number of sub-studies adding valuable information to the PATH project.

In addition to the sub-studies aligned with PATH, researchers from other organisations worldwide have collaborated on the PATH project. In order to analyse PATH data it’s necessary to develop a collaboration with one or more of the PATH investigative team and have the research approved by the PATH Governance Committee. There are guidelines on the use of PATH data to ensure all research is conducted ethically, to a high standard and falls within the aims of the PATH project. The PATH Governance Committee also approve all papers published using PATH data.

Results from physical testing

Some participants like to be able to compare their performance on the physical tests. Results from the four waves of interviewing are shown below for each age group. At Wave 4 physical testing was not performed for the entire cohort.

Note: FEV = Expired volume in 1 second (litres), FVC = Full lung volume (litres).

20+ age group
  First Interview (1999/2000) Second Interview (2003/2004) Third Interview (2007/2008) Fourth Interview (2011/2012)
Test Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males
Handgrip 29 47 30 48 31 52 N/A N/A
(height < 160cm)
2.7/3.0 N/A 2.7/3.1 N/A 2.8/3.2 N/A N/A N/A
(height 160‑169cms)
3.0/3.3 3.3/3.9 2.9/3.4 3.5/4.2 3.0/3.5 3.5/4.2 N/A N/A
(height 110‑179cms)
3.2/3.6 4.0/4.5 3.3/3.7 4.0/4.6 3.3/3.9 4.1/4.7 N/A N/A
(height 180‑189cms)
3.6/4.0 4.3/4.9 3.7/4.1 4.3/5.0 3.7/4.2 4.8/5.7 N/A N/A
(height ≥ 190cms)
N/A 4.7/5.4 N/A 4.7/5.5 N/A 4.8/5.7 N/A N/A
Blood pressure
112/72 129/76 110/72 127/77 116/73 131/76 N/A N/A
Pulse 72 68 71 68 72 68 N/A N/A
40+ age group
  First Interview (2000/2001) Second Interview (2004/2005) Third Interview (2008/2009) Fourth Interview (2011/2012)
Test Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males
Handgrip 29 47 28 48 28 48 N/A N/A
(height < 160cm)
2.4/2.8 3.3/3.9 2.3/2.7 2.9/3.5 2.3/2.8 3.2/3.9 N/A N/A
(height 160‑169cms)
2.7/3.2 3.1/3.6 2.6/3.1 3.1/3.7 2.6/3.2 3.1/3.7 N/A N/A
(height 110‑179cms)
3.0/3.5 3.5/4.1 2.9/3.4 3.4/4.1 2.9/3.5   3.5/4.2 N/A N/A
(height 180‑189cms)
3.3/3.98 3.9/4.6 3.2/3.7 3.8/4.6 3.0/3.7 3.8/4.7 N/A N/A
(height ≥ 190cms)
N/A 4.1/5.1 N/A 4.1/5.0 N/A 4.2/5.2 N/A N/A
Blood pressure
118/77 132/84 119/78 131/84 79/128 83/135 N/A N/A
Pulse 72 71 71 71 71 70 N/A N/A
60+ age group
  First Interview (2001/2002) Second Interview (2005/2006) Third Interview (2009/2010) Fourth Interview (2011/2012)
Test Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males
Handgrip 25 42 23 38 22 40 22 36
(height < 160cm)
1.8/2.3 2.6/3.0 1.8/2.2 2.4/3.0 1.8/2.3 2.1/2.7 1.6/2.1 2.6/3.2
(height 160‑169cms)
2.0/2.6 2.5/3.1 2.0/2.5 2.5/3.1 2.0/2.5 2.5/3.2 1.8/2.4 2.2/2.9
(height 110‑179cms)
2.2/2.8 2.8/3.5 2.1/2.7 2.7/3.4 2.1/2.7 2.7/3.5 1.9/2.5 2.6/3.3
(height 180‑189cms)
2.6/3.1 3.1/3.9 2.4/3.1 3.0/3.8 2.5/3.1 3.0/3.9 N/A 2.8/3.6
(height ≥ 190cms)
N/A 4.2/3.2 N/A 3.3/4.4 N/A 3.2/4.3 N/A 2.9/4.0
Blood pressure
136/80 143/86 134/79 142/83 144/78 147/81 140/74 141/76
Pulse 72 71 71 68 71 67 69 66

Updated:  7 December 2017/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer