March news about Epidemiology for Policy and Practice

7 March 2018
  • Sadie Law was welcomed to EPP Group. Sadie is on loan to us from AIHW and will be working full-time for six months on the ABS Partnership project. 
  • Karl Skewes was welcomed to EPP Group. Karl will be working two days a week for at least a year on the Absolute Risk Approach to CvD in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People program of work
  • Ray Lovett, Katie Thurber, Roxy Jones, and Emily Banks published an invited article on NITV online about the Closing the Gap child mortality target, which attracted interest from policymakers and peak Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander bodies:
  • Ray Lovett was quoted in a Royal Australian College of General Practitioners news article about the recent extension of the Tackling Indigenous Smoking program:

  • Ray Lovett gave invited presentations on the Mayi Kuwayu Study to the  Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona and Center for Indigenous Nursing Research for Health Equity, Florida State University
  • Ray Lovett and Katie Thurber attended the 2018 Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco in Baltimore, Maryland; Ray presented as part of a panel on ‘Engaging Indigenous Communities in Tobacco Control Research’
  • Ray Lovett, Jan Chapman, Katie Thurber, Roxy Jones, and Lachlan Russell attended an International Indigenous Cohort Collaborative meeting and gave an invited panel presentation on the Mayi Kuwayu Study at the 2018 Chiefs of Ontario Health Forum in Toronto, Canada
  • The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Study Advisory Group for the FaCtS Study had their first face-to-face meeting in Canberra on 20 February
  • Samantha Siripol submitted her MAE thesis (primary supervisor Bianca Calabria, co-supervisor Ray Lovett)
  • Jason Agostino appeared on WIN News on Valentine’s Day to talk about CVD assessment.
  • Alice Richardson and Tambri Housen were awarded $10,000 from the CHM Dean’s Strategic Funding for ‘one-off’ education initiatives for a project entitled Conversion of Field Epidemiology Case Studies for the Master of Applied Epidemiology Program
  • The second investigator meeting of the Absolute Risk Approach to CCD in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People was held on 7 Feb 2018 and the stakeholder workshop on evidence review for the absolute CVD risk guidelines will be held on 27 Feb
  • Emily Banks, on behalf of the ANU College of Health & Medicine, was invited to the Science meets Parliament Superstars of STEM – Meet & Greet, which was hosted by GE Australia on 12 Feb 2018
  • Grace Joshy gave an invited talk on "Development, validation and calibration of mortality risk prediction models: results from 123,697 middle-aged and older men Australian men" for the Statistical Society Australia - Canberra Branch on 27 Feb 2018
  • Congratulations to Alice George on her wedding in Hamilton Island.


Accepted and Published Papers:

  • Thurber K, Joshy G, Korda R, Eades S, Banks E. Body Mass Index among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal participants in the 45 and Up Study, and associations with socio-demographic, health behaviour, and health status factors. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Accepted 1 Feb 2018.
  • Salmon M, Skelton, Thurber K, Walter, Lovett R. Intergenerational and early life influences on the wellbeing of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children: overview and selected findings from Footprints in Time, the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Accepted 12 Feb 2018.
  • Lidbury B, Koerbin, Richardson A, Badrick. Integration of ISO15189 and External Quality Assurance Data to Assist the Detection of Poor Laboratory Performance in NSW, Australia. Journal of Laboratory & Precision Medicine. Accepted 12 Dec 2017.

Updated:  7 March 2018/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer