Classifying Public Health Interventions: The WHO Story - Richard Madden

Richard Madden has been the Director of the National Centre for Classification in Health, an international centre of excellence in health classifications, since 2006. The Centre has responsibility for the Australian modification of the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the Australian Classification of Health Interventions, and the Australian casemix grouper, the AR-DRG classification.

The WHO International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI) provides a common tool for reporting and analysing health interventions for statistical purposes. ICHI covers interventions carried out by a broad range of providers across the full scope of health systems including for the first time public health. The classification is built around three axes: Target (the entity on which the Action is carried out), Action (a deed done by an actor to a target) and Means (the processes and methods by which the Action is carried out). ICHI was designed with low level of complexity for countries seeking a straightforward classification for national use, while also serving a basis for international comparisons.

The Seminar recording can be found here. For more information, including the presentation slides then please contact us here.

Updated:  23 January 2021/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer