Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Study of Wellbeing Award

23 May 2018

Associate Professor Ray Lovett was last week awarded the Lowitja and Cranlana Program Research Leadership Award. The award was presented by Ms Kate Latimer, CEO of the Cranlana Programme, and Romlie Mokak, CEO of the Lowitja Institute, and was accepted on Ray’s behalf by Ms Jan Chapman (pictured). The award was in recognition of Ray’s work in creating the Mayi Kuwayu Study: The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Study of Wellbeing. The Study is a longitudinal research study that will go towards the understanding of how wellbeing is linked to things like connection to country, cultural knowledge and practices, language, family and kinship. 

The survey will initially be sent out to 20,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the first two weeks of June 2018. This will be followed by the rollout of the main survey to 180,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people two months later.

Updated:  30 May 2018/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer