June news about Integration and Implementation Sciences

8 June 2018


Gabriele Bammer was featured in the journal GAIA’s “12 questions to…” series. Bammer, G. 2018 “12 questions to Gabriele Bammer” GAIA 27(1) 108-109.

The journal GAIA also published #3 in the series Frameworks for Transdisciplinarity Research for which Gabriele Bammer is commissioning editor.

Conferences and Meetings

Gabriele Bammer organised and chaired the final meeting for the theme “Building Resources for Complex, Action-Oriented Team Science” which she ran for the US National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center. She ran the meeting virtually from Australia, with onsite participants in Annapolis, Maryland and online participants in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

Gabriele Bammer presented the results of the feasibility research that she conducted on “Fresh Thinking on Uncertainty, Unknowns and Ignorance” at the Modelling Complex Warfighting Symposium in Adelaide in late May. The work was well received and she was invited to apply for further funding.


Gabriele Bammer accepted an invitation to join the Advisory Board of a Swiss-Australian project on understanding and management of integration in transdisciplinarity.The Integration and Implementation Insights blog continues to progress well with 192 blog posts now published by 224 authors.

Updated:  8 June 2018/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer