July news about Integration and Implementation Sciences

4 July 2018


Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane continued to publish weekly blog posts in the Integration and Implementation Insights blog (http://I2Insights.org) – this month from contributors in Germany, Switzerland and the USA. Topics covered were: What can interdisciplinary collaborations learn from the science of team science? And what can they learn from the concept of  'normative' or 'ethical' power? When it comes to implementing research, how are researchers placed in relation to ‘advocacy coalitions’? When are they neutral experts and when are they strategic policy makers? Finally with all the interest in real-world laboratories, what are the key structural issues?  

Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane prepared the May/June i2S News for publication. It will be available in early July at http://i2s.anu.edu.au/what-i2s/i2s-publications/i2s-news. It presents resources for understanding the ‘why? who? when? and how?’ of stakeholder engagement, as well as ‘wicked’ problems. It also provides information on the Intereach network, which  aims to “articulate and promote the need for a dedicated career path around interdisciplinary research expertise” and on the Society for Judgment and Decision Making and its related journal. These have all recently been added as resources to the Integration and Implementation Sciences website (http://i2s.anu.edu.au/resources).


Gabriele Bammer made significant progress in finalising a report for Defence Science and Technology on a Collaborative Project Agreement addressing “Fresh Thinking on Uncertainty, Unknowns and Ignorance: Establishing proof of concept for convening seven working groups to investigate approaches for eliciting, understanding, modelling and managing unknowns.”


Gabriele Bammer served as the Vice-Chancellor’s representative on the review of the School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics.

Updated:  4 July 2018/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer