Women Speaking Workshop

Attendees at Women Speaking worskhop
7 September 2018

On Thursday 26 July 2018, Dr Jane Desborough, Dr Sonia McCallum and Dr Johanna Kurscheid from RSPH were fortunate to attend a ‘Women Speaking’ workshop at University House. This workshop was facilitated by Catherine McGrath, Merry Kirkwood, Suzanne Mostyn and Lexi Sekuless from Catherine McGrath Media. These facilitators brought their expertise in media, journalism, communication, speech and performance to a day that focussed on enhancing participants’ skills in drafting, focussing and presenting their work. It was an excellent day and all those who attended said that they took away a lot more than expected, including a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

Updated:  7 September 2018/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer