Frameworks for engagement with consumers, patients and other community members

This is the second in a series of seminars organised by the RSPH Impact Committee in order to focus attention on impact and engagement within the School.

In the first seminar in August 2018, we heard examples from each Centre within the School about various forms of engagement and impact focusing on consumers, patients, and other community members. In this seminar, we’ll build on those examples by re-presenting two of them using specific frameworks to help systematically describe the methods and processes, along with any relevant theory, used. There will be two joint presentations, one by Michelle Banfield and Amelia Gulliver and one by Jane Desborough and Anne Parkinson.

The purpose is to organise a process of sharing across the School and to document frameworks that may be useful for others in the School and that will be captured in the Population Health Exchange (PHX). We anticipate that we have much to learn from each other, both for achieving meaningful community engagement and impact and for documenting it.

Please come prepared to discuss your own work!

Updated:  28 March 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer