Issues in Stakeholder Engagement on Politically-Charged and Controversial Issues

This is the third in a series of seminars organised by the PopulationHealthXchange (PHXchange) in order to focus attention on impact and engagement within the School.

In the first two seminars in August 2018 and February 2019, we heard examples of various forms of engagement and impact focusing on consumers, patients, and other community members, plus specific frameworks to help systematically describe the methods and processes, along with any relevant theory, used.

This third seminar will focus on stakeholder engagement when the issues are politically charged and controversial.  Short presentations by Cathy Banwell and Martyn Kirk, based on their experience across a number of projects, will provide a discussion starter for a broader consideration of stakeholder engagement in these situations.

The purpose of these seminars is to share experiences, frameworks and tools across the School that will be captured in the PHXchange.

We anticipate that we have much to learn from each other, both for achieving meaningful stakeholder engagement and research impact and for documenting it.

Please come prepared to discuss your own work!

Updated:  4 April 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer