October report for Integration and Implementation Sciences

3 October 2018

Good news

Gabriele Bammer has been invited to give a keynote presentation at the annual Science Europe symposium in Brussels in November. Science Europe is an association of European research funders, plus some ‘research provider’ organisations.


Gabriele Bammer led a successful funding application to hold a workshop at Santa Fe Institute in November.



September contributions to the i2Insights blog (http://i2Insights.org) cover 12 ways to kill research translation, understanding bias (especially confirmation bias), 10 steps to strengthen the environmental humanities and how funders can help maximise the use of research evidence.


Conferences and Meetings

Gabriele Bammer presented an invited keynote at the International Research Conference at the University of California, Davis in mid-September. She also visited the Leopold Leadership Program at Stanford University and gave a seminar.



  • Gabriele Bammer continues to work with an international group of leaders of interdisciplinary research organisations to further develop the network and a range of projects. She is co-organising a workshop at Santa Fe Institute in November and is working with a subgroup to hold a workshop for leaders in the Oceania region in May 2019.
  • The main public interface for Integration and Implementation Sciences is the http://i2s.anu.edu.au website. Peter Deane and Gabriele Bammer have worked with the company Link Digital to move the Integration and Implementation Sciences website from a Drupal to a Wordpress content management system and have also updated the home page.


Updated:  2 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer