September report for Envirnoment, Climate and Health

5 September 2018

The PFAS Health Study: Cathy, Tambri and Liz travelled to Katherine, NT in August to conduct focus group discussions with the local community. They had a great response with approximately 90 attendees across seven sessions. More than half of the participants were from the local Aboriginal communities, which was particularly important, as this group had not been particularly well engaged thus far. We were able to provide feedback to NT Health on issues of concern raised by the Aboriginal communities. NT Health were scheduled to hold information sessions with the Aboriginal communities later in August. We also used the focus group discussions to promote positions that were available on our Community Reference Panel, and have since received several applications from the general community. We are still recruiting representation in the Aboriginal Community.


The Relief in MS Study: The Relief team is continuing to work up the study protocol, source the nutraceutical and finalise the ethics submission.


Epigenetics of MS in the Ausimmune Case control Study: This new study is in its early stages of development, with the research office currently working on MIAs with the other institutions involved.



Papers accepted/published:

  1. Rodney, R. M., Celi, P., McGrath, J. J., Golder, H. M., Anderson, S. T., McNeill, D. M., ... & Lean, I. J. (2018). Metabolic and production responses to calcidiol treatment in mid-lactation dairy cows. Animal Production Science.
  2. Holmes EA, Rodney Harris RM, Lucas RM. Low sun exposure and vitamin D deficiency as risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease, with a focus on childhood onset. Photochemistry and Photobiology (accepted 19 August 2018)


  3. Wright CY., Lucas RM, D’Este C, Kapwata T, Kunene Z, Swaminathan A, Mathee A, Albers P. Effect of a sun protection intervention on the immune response to measles booster vaccination in infants in rural South Africa. Photochemistry and Photobiology (accepted 28 Aug 2018)


  1. Lucas RM, Rodney Harris, R. On the nature of evidence and ‘proving’ causality: smoking and lung cancer vs. sun exposure, vitamin D and multiple sclerosis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (epub ahead of print, 12 August 2018)


  1. Lal A, Konings P. 2018. Beyond reasonable drought: hotspots reveal a link between the "Big Dry" and cryptosporidiosis in Australia's Murray Darling Basin. Journal of Water and Health (accepted 24th August 2018)