June report for Society Culture and Health

4 June 2019

Funding received

Olsen A, McDonald D, Dilkes-Frayne E, Wong G. 2019. Evaluation of the ACT Pill Testing service. ACT Heath. $52,000

Whittaker A, Callaghan J, Radcliffe P, Wincup E, Finch E, Munro A, Chandler A, Taylor A, Schofield J, Olsen A, Martin F, Salmon A, Boeri M, McMahon M. 2019. Governing paternal opioid use: a relational ethnography. European Economic and Social Research Council large grant. £1,600,000

Grants applied for

Banwell, C., Batterham, P.  Rifkin, W., Fielding, K, Morphett, K Roiko, A., Taylor, K,  Perkins, D.,  Reducing the mental health burden of being a member of a PFAS affected community through participatory community interventions  NHMRC Targeted call for PFAs research App 1181857

Leach L.S, Strazdins L, Calear A, Farrer. Working while studying: What are the mental health costs for young Australians? Australian Rotary Health. EOI. ~$50,000.

Papers (accepted and published)

Sarma, H., Gerth-Guyette, E., Shakil, S.A., Alom, K.R., Abu-Haydar, E., D’Rozario, M., Tariqujjaman, M, Arifee, S. E., and Ahmed, T. “Evaluating the use of job aids and user instructions to improve adherence for the treatment of childhood pneumonia using amoxicillin dispersible tablets in a low-income setting: a mixed method study”. BMJ Open 2019;9:e024978. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024978.

We conducted a mixed-method study to evaluate the provision of job aids, user-friendly instructions and training to the health providers for the treatment of childhood pneumonia with amoxicillin DT and observed a positive influence on adherence behaviours among both caregivers and health care providers in a low-income setting. These tools can help close information gaps and overcome the barriers posed by medical illiteracy and remembering instructions from service providers.

Conference papers and posters

Leach, L, Cooklin, A & Walsh, E. Nation-wide study of Aussie Dads: Work, Care & Health. Australian Fatherhood Research Symposium. 2-3rd May 2019, Melbourne, Australia.

Impact and engagement

Australia’s first evaluation of Australia’s only pill testing service is being conducted by Anna, Ella and colleagues. The evaluation is being funded by ACT Health. VIP and media tours ran the day before the event and the pill testing service was delivered at Groovin’ the Moo on Sunday April 28th. Anna, Ella and a team of RSPH staff collected data from patrons of the service. We are following up with a small number of patrons and a preliminary report will be released soon.

Successful award of a European Economic and Social Research Council large grant! Anna is representing the antipodes among part of a team of researchers across the UK and Americas working on the topic of parental drug use. The team has been awarded £1,600,000 to conduct the project Governing paternal opioid use: a relational ethnography

Jodie has been selected to participate in the Health Hackathon.

Liana was invited to present SCH’s research about the future of work, family and health at a Department of Social Services symposium on Wednesday 9th May at DSS.

Liana was invited to speak on a panel about managing work and family roles in academia at the Science at the Shine Dome event on Tuesday 28th of May.

Cathy Banwell with others from the PFAS team visited Katherine for the week where they provided community feedback on the PFAS focus group study.

Updated:  20 June 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer