November report for Society Culture and Health

5 November 2018

Papers (Accepted and Published)

Ramakrishna, S., Cooklin, A., & Leach, L.S. (accepted 21st October 2018). Comorbid anxiety and depression: A community-based study examining symptomology and correlates during the postpartum period. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology.

Welsh, J. Strazdins, L. Charlesworth, S. Kulik C.T & D’Este, C. Losing the workers who need the work most: Health effects on involuntary retirement. Labour and Industry (Accepted 9 September 2018).

Conference papers and posters

Sarma H, D'Este C, Ahmed T, Banwell C. (2018) Comprehensive Conceptual Framework for Translating Implementation Science towards Sustainability: A Systematic Narrative Review. I presented this paper as “Oral presentation” in the Global Evidence and Implementation Summit (GEIS). 22-24 October 2018, Melbourne, Australia

Sarma H, Mbuya M, Tariqujjaman M, Rahman M, Banwell C, D'Este C, Ahmed T. (2018) Role of Community Health Workers in Ensuring Coverage of Home Fortification with Micronutrient Powder in Bangladesh. I presented this paper as “Poster presentation” in the 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 8-12 October 2018.

Zulfiqar, Tehzeeb.“Drivers of overweight and obesity in 4-11 year old children of Australian and immigrant mothers: Evidence from growing up in Australia” at Public Health conference in Cairns on 28th September 2018.

Zulfiqar, Tehzeeb. “BMI trajectories and risk factors among Australian children aged 2-11 years by maternal immigrant status.” at AEA conference in Freemantle, on 24th October, 2018.

Impact and engagement

Ruth Kharis presented to the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand Climate Change forum – How different domestic groups link climate change with Australian food policy, 3 October, ANU.

Ruth Kharis was appointed as a Dietitians Association of Australia Representative for the International Confederation of Dietetic Association’s, Food Sustainability Initiative 10 October 2018.

Ruth Kharis presented to the RSPH Student Conference, Different strategies and values for food security in Australian food policy 11 October 2018, ANU.

Ruth attended the ANU Climate Institute’s Climate Café: Responding to Climate Tipping Points 15 October 2018.

Tehzeeb Zulfiqar was interviewed by BBC Urdu about her PhD research. The interview will also be posted on the Facebook page of BBC Urdu.

Lyndall, Cathy and Nic Cherbuin gave a presentation on ageing, work participation and health to the Department of Social Services.

Cathy was invited to give a short presentation on qualitative data analysis to a workshop on Data Analytics organised by Bruce Shadbolt for ACT Health. 

Yixuan Zhao presented a 3-minute presentation to the RSPH Student Conference, 11 October 2018, ANU.

Lyndall, Jenny and Liana have submitted applications to teach workshops on the Social Determinants of Mental Health at two conferences run by the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

We had great representation and involvement at the NCEPH 30th celebrations – thank you to everyone who participated on the day.

Sarma visited London, UK from October 01-12, 2018 to attend a bilateral meeting with colleagues at CIFF for sharing preliminary evaluation findings and discussion about second phase of evaluation research of the study on “Impact of Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition Programme (MIYCN) Phase II on Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices (IYCF) and Anemia Prevalence among Children 6-59 Months in Bangladesh”. The meeting held on October 4-5, 2018 in London. Following that, Sarma attended the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research held on October 8-12, 2018, Liverpool, UK to present my research findings.

Christine Heyes LaBond met with Darlene Cox, Executive Director of the Health Care Consumers’ Association on October 24th to discuss qualitative research addressing the adoption of My Health Record.

Apologies as this is for the whole year! Some impact and engagement events for me, Lyndall

2018 ongoing  Steering group ACT Healthy and Active Living Lab.

2018 ongoing  Advisor to BETA | Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

2018                I was invited to speak at the largest Gender equality event held in Australia “Breakthrough the Future is Gender Equality” funded by the Victorian Womens Trust (VWT). The VWT has subsequently invited me to work with them to develop a new policy direction for gender equality.

2018                Invited presentation The future of work (and love) for families. Federal Department of Social Services and Families Australia Family Policy forum. This session introduced the new policy direction for Families Australia with which am collaborating and advising. Over 60 attendees from the Department of Health, PM&C, Education, ACT government directorates and the community sector.  Canberra, October.

2018                Invited presentation Ageing, work participation and health. With Nic Cherbuin and Cathy Banwell. Department of Social Services, Canberra, October. This presentation was followed by a one hour policy roundtable with departmental staff.

2018                Invited presentation About time. Health and gender equality in employment. People’s Health Movement & Political Economy of Health Special Interest Group of the Public Health Association of Australia’s workshop on ‘Health for All or Health for Some? Impacts of neoliberal globalisation in Australia and beyond. Canberra, September.

2018                Invited presentation Australian Federal Department of Health, Women’s Health Week Seminar Time as A Social Determinants of Health, Canberra, September.           

2018                Invited presentation Australian Federal Department of Jobs and Small Business “What would work and care look like if it was more equal?” Canberra, June.

2018                Invited presentation Australian Public Service Commission, Diversity and Inclusion “What would work and care look like if it was more equal?” Canberra, April.

Updated:  20 June 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer