Co-created Wellbeing in Healthcare

Profile picture of Tom Chen

Who owns wellbeing and why? The individual with improvable wellbeing, e.g. a patient, the professional aiming at enhancing their wellbeing, e.g. a physician, both of them, or even others? While individuals have legal ownership of their wellbeing, this study aims at answering the question of whether engaged actors’ psychological ownership and its evocation is pertinent to achieving positive wellbeing outcomes. Our conceptualization of “co-created wellbeing” suggests that psychological ownership of any engaged actors will alter the resource conditions of the focal actor, and this in turn, will influence subjective wellbeing of the focal actor.

About Tom

Tom Chen is a Senior Lecturer in marketing at the Newcastle Business School at the University of Newcastle, Australia and a visiting fellow at the Research School of Management at the Australian National University. He obtained his PhD from the Queensland University of Technology in 2011. Tom’s research interests span marketing theory and marketing strategy, and include co-creation and engagement. His current research focuses on co-creation initiatives and business models, co-creative consumers’ psychological states, Customer initiation of value co-creation, and customer engagement, particularly in the context of smart cities, sharing economy and disruptive innovation (e.g., driverless cars).
He is the co-founder of the Co-creation in Service and Customer Engagement Symposium (CCIS-CE). He has published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the European Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Service Management, the Journal of Service Theory and Practice, the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Marketing Management, and the Journal of Product & Brand Management, among others. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Service Theory and Practice, and the Service Industries Journal. He is also a board member and the Regional Officer (Australia) of the AMA SERVSIG.