September report for Epidemiology for Policy and Practice

4 September 2019

Implementation, Engagement and Outreach

  • Emily Banks attended the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance Strategy Meeting at the Shine Dome on the 22 July. The Alliance has six flagships including Implementation and Policy Research, Clinical Trials, Big Data, Precision Medicine, Bioengineering and Drug Discovery and Translation. Emily will be the co-director of the big data flagship.
  • Emily Banks attended a two day meeting of the NHMRC Alcohol Working Group.
  • Rosemary Korda and Jason Agostino were invited by AIHW to participate in the Better Cardiac Care Data Development Workshop. There was a broad representation of Aboriginal Health, clinical, and data experts from around Australia
  • Rosemary Korda represented RSPH in the ANU-ABS forum on collaboration.
  • Jason Agostino presented a talk with the Heart Foundation ACT to allied health practitioners on better CVD health care with Indigenous populations and CALD groups.
  • Emily Banks attended three separate workshops apart of the SEARCH study in Wagga Wagga, Orange and Tharawal.
  • Emily Banks presented at the UTS on behalf of The Sax Institute on Building Successful Partnerships for Policy Relevant Research.
  • Emily Banks participated in the ANU Grand Challenge panel which is focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health – centred on creating a program of activities and research.
  • Lyndall Strazdins, Jill Guthrie and Bobby Maher submitted a submission to the Productivity Commissioner for the Indigenous Evaluation Strategy.

Media Releases/interest

New staff

  • Alexander Marmor
    Alexander will be conducting quantitative research related to the evaluation of the impact and outcomes of the “Tackling Indigenous Smoking Regional Tobacco Control Grants”. 
  • Karen Bishop
    Karen is a biostatician working with Grace Joshy on the Multiple Causes of Death project

Other news

  • Ellie Paige returned to work on Monday 12 August following maternity leave
  • Jennifer Welsh is submitted her PhD on Friday 30 August
  • Stephanie Gorman was awarded an ACT Office for Women grant to conduct a research project on workforce participation and the lived experience of women working in the hospitality industry in Canberra.

Papers accepted/published

  • Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer (includes Banks E). Type and timing of menopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer risk: individual participant meta-analysis of the worldwide epidemiological evidence. Lancet 2019.
  • Thurber K, Long J, Salmon M, Cuevas AG, Lovett R. Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among Indigenous Australian children aged 0-3 years and association with sociodemographic, life circumstances and health factors. Public Health Nutrition Journal.

Thurber K, Bell KJL. Socio-economic disadvantage and cardiovascular risk factors in young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. The Medical Journal of Australia.