Working with the PNG Field Epidemiology Training Program

30 October 2019

Two MAE scholars, Stephanie Wheeler and Kirsten Williamson, were in Papua New Guinea with Alumni Julie Collins, Megge Miller and faculty member Tambri Housen, working with faculty of the FETPNG and a team from Hunter New England Population Health Unit on the roll out of the first Advanced FETP (aFETPNG). 

The Advanced program has been funded under the The Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and will see 30 graduates of the intermediate FETPNG undertake 18 months of advanced training. The training will further develop skills in outbreak investigation, disease surveillance and work on four national health priorities; vaccine preventable diseases, communicable disease control, maternal reproductive health and health systems strengthening – building a body of evidence to inform policy and practice in Papua New Guinea.