November report for Epidemiology for Policy and Practice

6 November 2019

Good News

  • Raglan Maddox was awarded the Tobacco Control Early Career Award in recognition of his efforts and leadership in the Oceania region.

Keynote and invited presentations

  • Emily Banks gave an opening plenary ‘Tobacco control in the Oceania region: why make it a priority?’ and the Oceania Tobacco Control Conference, held in Sydney in October.

New grants/funding

  • Shahdaat Bin-Sayeed was awarded a $500 scholarship in the outstanding abstract prize to attend the Australasian Epidemiological Association 2019 Conference in Brisbane on 23 to 25 October

Other conference presentations

  • Shahdaat Bin-Sayeed presented at the Australasian Epidemiological Association 2019 Conference
  • Vicki Wade presented on behalf of Jason Agostino speaking on ‘how to heal a broken heart - The importance of culture, communication and clinical interactions’ at The University of Melbourne’s Indigenous Conference on Thursday 17 October in Shepparton.
  • Katrina Anderson and Jason Agostino are presenting the same work at the GP 19 conference on Thursday 24 October in Adelaide
  • Katie Thurber and Raglan Maddox presented at the Oceania Tobacco Control Conference in Sydney on “Tobacco smoking and all-cause mortality among 1464 Aboriginal adults in the 45 and Up Study, NSW” and “What has happened since the Statement by Indigenous people to the 2017 Oceania Tobacco Control Conference”, respectively. Katie and Raglan also ran an Indigenous Tobacco Control workshop in collaboration with colleagues from Menzies School of Health Research and New Zealand.
  • Ray Lovett presented in Darwin at the AIDA conference on MK study data around racism.
  • Vicki Wade (Aboriginal nurse part of CVD team based at RHD Australia) gave a presentation at University of Melbourne’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health conference titled “How to heal a broken heart - the importance of culture, communication and clinical interactions”

Outreach and engagement

  • Jason Agostino and Deb Wong submitted a report to the Department of Health on clinical decision support tools in cardiovascular care.
  • Miranda Harris and Melonie Martin submitted a report to the Department of Health on the impact of e-Cigarettes on health and behaviour. The systematic narrative review of evidence looks at the hardening hypothesis. The next report due within this project is a public health assessment framework.
  • Emily Banks attended the UK Biobank International Scientific Advisory Board Meeting on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 October.
  • Jason Agostino and Emily Banks attended a roundtable on Wednesday 16 October at The Shine Dome on secondary prevention in cardiovascular disease hosted by the Heart Foundation.
  • Emily Banks attended the Heart Foundation Face to Face committee meeting in Melbourne on Thursday 17 October
  • Emily Banks attended the NHMRC Research Committee on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 October
  • Vicki Wade presented at the University of Melbourne’s Indigenous Conference on behalf of Jason Agostino on ‘how to heal a broken heart - The importance of culture, communication and clinical interactions.’
  • Katrina Anderson and Jason Agostino are presenting the same work at the GP 19 conference on Thursday 24 October in Adelaide
  • Roxanne Jones, Tyler Malone and Trevor Satour attended the first ANU Health Fair on Monday 20th September to raise awareness about the MK study.
  • Jason Agostino and Katrina Anderson (GP on our CVD team based at ANU Medical School) gave two presentations at the Royal Australians College of General Practitioners national conference (GP19) on absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment and management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Jason Agostino attended the first meeting of NACCHO’s Core Services and Outcomes Framework Steering Committee.
  • Symposium: ANU Medical School, Indigenous Health Symposium – Data Sovereignty Translation and Health Tools Assessment
    Presentation title: ‘If it was a different person each year, I probably wouldn’t do it’: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Administration Officers and Operationalising Indigenous Data Sovereignty
    Presenters: Bobby Maher (ANU), Jacob Prehn (UTAS) and Michael Guerzoni (UTAS)

Media releases/interest

Papers accepted/published:

  • Korda R, Biddle N, Lynch J, Eynstone-Hinkins J, Soga K, Banks E, Priest N,  Moon L, Blakely T. Education inequalities in adult all-cause mortality: first national data for Australia using linked census and mortality data. International Journal of Epidemiology (published 3 October 2019)
  • Simpson, O., Pettit, S., Jones, J., Williams, M., Islam, M. M., Parkinson, A., Calabria, B., Butler, T. (2019). Holistic primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners: exploring the role of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations. ANZJPH.

Other news

  • Tamara Riley co-presented at the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Health Conference (NATSIEH) in Perth with Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC) and Thamarrurr Development Corporation (TDC) on the evaluation of an animal health and management program, which is part of the Healthy Homes Program in Wadeye, NT.