April report for Integration and Implementation Sciences

1 April 2020

Good News

Gabriele Bammer has been invited to speak at the ANU Crawford Australian Leadership Forum in a session on “How resilient is Australia?”

Outreach and engagement

In March the i2Insights blog (http://i2Insights.org), curated by Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane published blog posts about effectively including online participants in onsite meetings, a framework to evaluate the impacts of research on policy and practice, eight grand challenges in socio-environmental systems modelling, fifteen characteristics of complex social systems and how can expertise in research integration and implementation help tackle complex problems? The last of these was a blog post in the PHXchange series.

Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane produced the March/April i2S News (https://i2s.anu.edu.au/what-i2s/i2s-publications/i2s-news), which features 2 new or updated tools on stakeholder engagement and analysis, an updated tool on values, 2 updated videos on systems thinking, the Journal of Science Communication and the Network of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research Organisations (NITRO) – Oceania, as well as a list of conferences postponed because of COVID19. These have all recently been added as resources to the Integration and Implementation Sciences website (https://i2s.anu.edu.au/resources).

Gabriele Bammer is now the ANU representative to the Academy of Science/Future Earth Australia steering committee and the CMH representative on the 2020 “VC's Course Revamp group” which is revitalising the Vice-Chancellor’s courses on complexity and related topics.

Gabriele Bammer is scheduled to remotely chair the Austrian Science Fund’s Young Independent Researcher Group interdisciplinary grant awards jury meeting on March 30-31. She and Peter Deane are also active in a working group "Creating a desired landscape of toolkits for inter- and trans- disciplinarity.”

Papers accepted/published:

Bammer, G (2020) How can expertise in research integration and implementation help tackle complex problems? Integration and Implementation Insights, March https://i2insights.org/2020/03/10/expertise-in-research-integration-and-implementation/

Participants in the SESYNC theme “Building Resources for Complex, Action-Oriented Team Science” (including Bammer, G.) (2020) Effectively including online participants in onsite meetings Integration and Implementation Insights, March

Updated:  3 July 2020/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer