September report for Data Analysis for Population Health Hub

1 September 2020

Good News

The DAPH HUB welcomes Erin Walsh, Jenny Welsh, Tinh Doan, Christine Labond and Nasser Bhageri as steering committee members.

RSPH workshops and seminars

The DAPH Hub is excited to announce two upcoming seminars on qualitative data analysis, presented by the Society Culture and Health Group::

1.         Tips on writing qualitative research grant applications for quantitative researchers. (10th Sep)

2.         Mixed Methods Research (5th Nov).

Data Analysis in Population Health (DAPH) Hub brings together expertise from across the School and aims to build the capacity of researchers and students. If you would like the DAPH Hub to organise any particular event or activity, please send through your ideas to

Related papers accepted/published

Richardson A, Joshy G (joint first author). Deconfounding confounding part 3: controlling for confounding in statistical analyses. MJA 2020. (16 Aug)