February report for Society Culture and Health

3 February 2021

RSPH workshops and seminars

Banwell, C., Leach, L., LaBond, C., Doan, T., Olsen, A., Smith, J., Kharis, R. Mixing it Up: The What, Why and How of Mixed Methods Research. Presentation for Data Analytics in Population Health lunchtime seminar, Research School of Population Health, ANU. Thursday, November 5, 2020.

Outreach and engagement

Liana Leach was invited by the ANU Alumni Women’s Network as a panel member for the ANU Alumni Impact Makers Series – Webinar Series. “Back to the Future: Reversing the Gendered Effects of COVID-19". 3rd December 2020.

Ruth Kharis as a Public Health Association of Australia representative participated in the ACT Food Regulation Reference Group 2 December 2020.

Strazdins, L., LaBond, C., Doan, T., and Banwell, C. Working Well, Working Wisely: How do we make longer working lives feasible and fair? Presentation to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s Collaborative Partnership on Mature Age Employment, November 27, 2020. Lyndall presented findings from the ARC Linkage Project Working Well, Working Wisely to a group of 20 key stakeholders in industry, government, and the non-profit sectors with a shared interest in mature age employment.

Media releases/interest

Media Release Nov2020 – ‘Is self-employment good for parents’. Liana did interviews which resulted in print news story in The Age, Sydney Morning Herald.

Student news

Jodie Leu’s PhD has been approved for conferral on December 21st.

Yixuan Zhao’s PhD was approved by the Dean for conferral for July 2020 graduation. Yixuan’s PhD was passed with no corrections or changes required!!

Papers accepted/published:

Supthanasup, A., Banwell, C., Kelly, M., Yiengprugsawan, V. S., & Davis, J. L. (2020). Child feeding practices and concerns: Thematic content analysis of Thai virtual communities. Maternal & Child Nutrition, e13095.

Doan, T., Thorning, P., Furuya-Kanamori, L., and Strazdins, L. “What contributes to gendered work time inequality? An Australian case study”, accepted on 8/12/2020 for publication in Social Indicators Research.