Strongyloides in Australia: End the Neglect

Dr Wendy Page
Strongyloides is a deadly worm and much-neglected tropical disease infecting Australians, especially in remote Indigenous communities. Hear from Dr Wendy Page, 2021 Northern Territory Australian of the Year, and hosts Professor Darren Gray and Professor Jenni Judd about the solutions and how we can work together to end the neglect.
Our expert panel of researchers and physicians has extensive experience in different aspects of Strongyloides control. You will have the opportunity to ask your burning questions within the chat or send them to us via:




Opening Session and Advocacy Event

Chair: Professor Darren Gray

9:00 – 9:15 am

Opening by President Strongy Aust and Welcome to country

Professor Jenni Judd

9:15 – 10:00 am

Plenary: Strongyloidiasis in Australia

Dr Wendy Page

10:00 – 11:00 am

Panel Q&A: The Path forward

Facilitator - Professor Jenni Judd

Darren, Siddhartha, Richard, Catherine, and Kirstin




This webinar is brought to you by ANU, Strongyloides Australia, and the Australian Society for Parasitology.