Master CRAHW!

27 October 2016

Congratulations to Masters student, Tom Shaw.

Tom won the best 15 minute presentation at the recent Research School of Population Health (RSPH) Student Conference, for his talk Healthy heart, healthy brain? The associations between white matter integrity and cardiovascular health.

“The judges and participants were very impressed with the research, and the quality of Tom’s delivery,” said Professor Nic Cherbuin who is Chair of the RSPH Research Committee which supported the student conference.

“The award was richly deserved.”

Tom and his fellow presenters were judged by a panel of experts from several research centres associated with RSPH.

Tom is completing a Master of Neuroscience (Advanced) through the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR) and is working with CRAHW’s Associate Professor Nic Cherbuin and Dr Marnie Shaw in the Neuroimaging and Brain Laboratory (NIMBL).

“Understanding relationships between brain and heart health are important for pathways towards ageing well,” said Tom.

“My interest in neuroimaging just grows, and I intend completing a PhD in this area after this year,” he said.

For Tom, one of the highlights of the conference was being able to present his research to people not normally associated with medical research.

“It was really well organized, and the crowd was ‘out of field’ so it was nice to introduce my research to a range of different people,” he said.

Updated:  19 January 2018/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer