Methamphetamine research in the ACT

6 May 2016

Researchers at the Centre for Research on Ageing, Health and Wellbeing (CRAHW) today (6 May 2016) announced a new survey for methamphetamine use in the ACT.

“We aim to estimate the extent of methamphetamine use in the ACT, describe patterns of methamphetamine use, document the health and wellbeing of people who use the drug, and understand barriers to their accessing treatment and other health services,” said Associate Professor Rebecca McKetin, who leads the Substance Use & Health Group at CRAHW.

To participate in the survey, which is confidential, applicants may either:

Telephone Alex Voce on 0439 787 487


Download a copy of the Participant Information Form for further details.

Resources: On Ice (information for consumers)

This research is funded by ACT Health and is being conducted by the researchers in the Substance Use & Health group at the Centre for Research on Ageing Health & Wellbeing.
ANU Human Research Ethics Committee approval granted (protocol 2015/638).