Dr Christine Heyes LaBond

BA, McGill University MA, Michigan State University PhD, Michigan State University
Research Fellow


Christine is a Research Fellow in the Society, Culture and Health group at NCEPH. She is contributing to the qualitative component of the Working Well, Working Wisely ARC Linkage project with Lyndall Strazdins and Cathy Banwell.

Christine has a background in medical and organizational anthropology. For her dissertation, she completed a qualitative study exploring the cultural dimensions of employer sponsored health insurance in the United States, and federal health insurance policy. She conducted fieldwork with Michigan autoworkers, investigating ideas of deservedness and responsibility for health insurance, and the cultural significance of work in the US Midwest, as well as content analysis of the Affordable Care Act.

Prior to joining NCEPH, Christine held a research appointment at Michigan State University, where she studied anthropological approaches to formal organizations, business, and industry, including the organizational cultures of General Motors and IBM, and the adoption of electronic health records by health care providers in the United States.  


Research interests

  • Health care systems
  • Access to health care
  • Health disparities
  • Social determinants of health
  • Concepts of deservedness for health
  • Social and symbolic values of work
  • Organizational culture

Workplace health



Lupton, Deborah, Sarah Pink, Christine Heyes LaBond, and Shanti Sumartojo. 2018. Digital Traces in Context: Personal Data Contexts, Data Sense, and Self-Tracking Cycling. International Journal of Communications Special Issue on Digital Traces in Context, Vol 12, 647-665.

Baba, Marietta, and Christine Heyes LaBond. 2017. Business Anthropology. Oxford University Press, http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199766567/obo9780199766567-0033.xml

Pink, Sarah, Shanti Sumartojo, Deborah Lupton, and Christine Heyes LaBond. 2017. Empathetic Technologies: Digital materiality and video ethnography. Visual Studies, 34 (4), 371-381. 

Pink, Sarah, Shanti Sumartojo, Deborah Lupton, and Christine Heyes LaBond. 2017. Mundane Data: the routines, contingencies and accomplishments of digital living. Big Data and Society, 4 (1), 1-12.

Sumartojo, Shanti, Sarah Pink, Deborah Lupton, and Christine Heyes LaBond. 2016. The affective intensities of datafied space. Emotion, Space and Society, Vol 21, 33-40. 

Baba, Marietta, Jeanette Blomberg, Christine LaBond and Inez Adams. 2013. “New Institutional Approaches to Formal Organizations: An Anthropological Perspective.” In A Companion to the Anthropology of Organizations, Douglas Caulkins and Ann Jordan, eds. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell & Sons, pp.74-97.