Professor Hilary Bambrick

PhD (ANU), Grad Cert Higher Ed (ANU), Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (ANU), Bachelor of Science (ANU)
Director - National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health


I am an environmental epidemiologist and anthropologist with a distinguished career in research, teaching and supervision, and academic leadership over 25 years and at three distinct institutions. 

I am nationally and internationally recognised for my work on climate change and health, in particular in adaptation strategies for building resilience, from small community-led interventions to multi-nation cross-sectoral plans.

I regularly consult and provide expert advice for governments in Australia and overseas on climate and health risk assessment and adaptation and I have worked as an international consultant to develop regional strategies for national health systems resilience and adaptation for the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

I led the health impacts assessment for Australia’s only national assessment of climate change to date, the Garnaut Climate Change Review (2008) and the Climate Adaptation Strategy for Health for Samoa (2013).

In 2022 I served as an expert witness in the pivotal decision of the Queensland Land Court to disallow a coal mine expansion on the basis of the health and human rights impacts on First Nations communities and on children and young people.

I am an expert reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) Assessment Reports, and I have served as an expert witness in three Commonwealth parliamentary inquiries and have variously led/contributed to/reviewed several Australian State health adaptation plans.

I have worked throughout Australia (urban, rural, and remote, including Torres Strait and other First Nations communities), the Pacific (Samoa, Kiribati and Fiji), Ethiopia (informal communities), and Asia (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Timor-Leste).

I have over 180 research publications (h-index 30, i-10 index 81) and I have been a lead investigator in around $11 million successful research funding. My doctoral thesis (ANU, 2003) took a life course perspective on health, examining sociopolitical history, child growth and subsequent risk of adult diabetes in a First Nations community.

I am an award-winning researcher and teacher, sought-after public speaker and media commentator. In June 2016 I was appointed to Australia’s independent Climate Council and I have served as a non-Executive Director on the Research Committee of The Australia Institute since 2012.


Research interests

  • Climate change impacts on health and wellbeing
  • Health adaptation leadership and strategic planning
  • Community-led adaptation
  • Resilience in health systems and the built environment
  • Health equity
  • Communication and advocacy



Barnett, G., Dunstall, S., Hosking, R., Arena, A., & Bambrick, H. (2023). Quantifying the safety impacts of loss of electricity supply during extreme heat and bushfire weather. CSIRO.

Gan, T., Bambrick, H., Ebi, K., & Hu, W. (2023) Does global warming increase the risk of liver cancer in Australia? Perspectives based on spatial variability. Science of the Total Environment.

Gan, T., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2023). Air pollution and liver cancer: a systematic review. Journal of Environmental Sciences.

Vardoulakis, S., & Bambrick, H. (2023). Integrated Approach to Physical Wellbeing: Health and climate change. [Book chapter] Toward an Integrated Science of Wellbeing. Reiger E et al, eds. Oxford University Press.



Bambrick, H. (2022). Experiencing the floods: Counting the costs, preparing for a hostile climate. Arena Quarterly, 10. June 2022.

Bambrick H (2022). The heat is still on: Climate and life at 3 degrees. ARENA. March 2022.

Beggs, P. J., Zhang, Y., McGushin, A., Trueck, S., Linnenluecke, M., Bambrick, H., Capon, A., Vardoulakis, S., Green, D., Malik, A., Jay, O., Johnston, F., McMichael, C., Charlson, F., Woodward, A., & Romanello, M. (2022). The 2022 report of the MJA-Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: Australia unprepared and paying the price. Medical Journal of Australia.

Gan, T., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (in press). Air pollution and liver cancer: a systematic review. Journal of Environmental Science.

Gan, T., Bambrick, H., Ebi, K., & Hu, W. (in press). Does global warming increase the risk of liver cancer in Australia? Perspectives based on spatial variability. Science of the Total Environment.

Lu, X., Bambrick, H., Frentiu, F., Huang, X., Davis, C., Li, Z., Yang, W., Devine, G., & Hu, W. (2022). Species-specific climate suitable conditions index and dengue transmission in Guangdong, China. Parasites and Vectors, 15.

McClymont H, Bambrick H, Si X, Vardoulakis S, Hu W. (2022) Future perspectives of emerging infectious diseases control: a One Health approach. One Health.

Murphy A, Salazar FV, Bonsato R, Gemma U, Ebol A, Boholst R, Davis C, Frentiu F, Bambrick H, Devine  G, Hu W. (2022) Climate variability and Aedes vector indices in the southern Philippines: an empirical analysis. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Rice, M., Hughes, L., Steffen, W., Bradshaw, S., Bambrick, H., Hutley, N., & Arndt, D. (2022). A supercharged climate: Rain bombs, flash flooding and destruction [Report] The Climate Council.

The Climate Council (2022). The Lost Years: Counting the costs of climate inaction in Australia [Report].

The Climate Council. (2022). The Great Deluge: Australia’s new era of unnatural disasters [Report].

Tong M, Wondmagegn B, Xiang J, Williams S, Hansen A, Dear K, Pisaniello D, Varghese BM, Xiao J, Jian L, Scalley B, Nitschke M, Nairn J, Bambrick H, Karnon J, Bi, P (2022) Hospitalization costs of respiratory diseases attributable to temperature in the context of climate change in Australia. Int J Environ Research Public Health.

Tong, S., Bambrick, H., Beggs, P. J., Chen, L., Hu, Y., Ma, W., Steffen, W., & Tan, J. (2022). Current and Future Threats to Human Health in the Anthropocene. Environment International.

Wondmagegn B, Xiang J, Dear K, Williams S, Hansen A, Pisaniello D, Nitschke M, Nairn J, Scalley S, Xiao A, Jian L, Tong M, Bambrick H, Karnon J. (2022) Understanding current and projected costs of emergency department presentations in a changing thermal climate in Adelaide, South Australia. BMJ Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

Zheng, W., Chu, J., Bambrick, H., Wang, N., Mengersen, K., Guo, X., & Hu, W. (2022). Age- and gender-specific differences in the seasonal distribution of diabetes mortality in Shandong, China: A spatial analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health.



Akter, R., Bambrick, H., Gatton, M., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2021). Climate variability, socio-ecological factors and dengue transmission in tropical Queensland, Australia: A Bayesian spatial analysis. Environmental Research.

Bambrick, H., Charlesworth, K., Bradshaw, S., & Baxter, T. (2021). Kicking the gas habit: How gas is harming our health. [Research report] The Climate Council.

Bambrick, H. (2021). Last chance: inaction on climate change must end now [Editorial]. Fairfax Newspapers (nationally). 1 Feb.

Beggs, P. J., Zhang, Y., Trueck, S., Linnenluecke, M., Bambrick, H., Berry, H., Jay, O., Rychetnik, L., Hanigan, I., Morgan, G., Guo, Y., Malik, A., Stevenson, M., Green, D., Johnston, F., McMichael, C., Hamilton, I., & Capon, A. (2021). The 2021 report of the MJA-Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: Australia increasingly out on a limb. Med J Aust.

Cauchi, J., Bambrick, H., Correa-Velez, I., & Moncada, S. (2021). ‘White flour, white sugar, white rice, white salt’: Barriers to achieving food and nutrition security in Kiribati. Food Policy.

Cauchi, J., Moncada, S., Bambrick, H., & Correa-Velez, I. (2021). Coping with environmental hazards and shocks in Kiribati: experiences of climate change by atoll communities in the Equatorial Pacific. Journal of Environment and Development.

Cauchi, J., Moncada, S., Bambrick, H., & Correa-Velez, I. (2021) Nutritional diversity and community perceptions of health and importance of foods in Kiribati: a case study. Food Security.

Cheng, J., Bambrick, H., Frentiu, F., Devine, G., Yakob, L., Xu, Z., Li, Z., & Yang, W. (2021) Extreme weather conditions and dengue outbreak in Guangdong, China: spatial heterogeneity based on climate variability. Environmental Research.

Cheng, J., Bambrick, H., Frentiu, F., Devine, G., Yakob, L., Xu, Z., Li, Z., Yang, W., & Hu, W. (2021) Extreme weather events and dengue outbreaks in Guangzhou, China: a time series quasi-binomial distributed lag non-linear model. International Journal of Biometeorology.

Cortez-Ramirez, J,, Michael, R, Knibbs, L, Bambrick H, Haswell M, Wraith D (2021). The association of wildfire with COVID-19 incidence in New South Wales, Australia. Science of the Total Environment.

Davis, C., Murphy, A., Bambrick, H., Devine, G., Frentiu, F., Yakob, L., Huang, X., Li, Z., Yang, W., Williams, G., & Hu, W. (2021). Forecasting the impact of climate change on dengue risk distribution in the Asia-Pacific region: developing a regional suitable conditions index for dengue vectorial capacity. Environmental Research.

Hossain, M., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., & Hu, W. (2021). Weather factors, PCV intervention and childhood pneumonia in rural Bangladesh. International Journal of Biometeorology.

Hossain, M., Tong, M., Bambrick, H., Khan, A., & Hu, W. (2021). Weather Variability, Socioeconomic Factors, and Pneumonia in Children Under Five-Years Old - Bangladesh, 2012-2016. China CDC Weekly, 3.

Hu, W., Cheng, J., Bambrick, H., Tong, S., Su, H., & Xu, Z. (2021) Winter temperature and myocardial infarction in Brisbane, Australia: Spatial and temporal analyses. Science of the Total Environment.

Liu, C.-W., Wang, Z., Wang, N., Milinovich, G., Ding, H., Mengersen, K., Bambrick, H., & Hu, W. (2021). A call for better understanding of the potentials of social media in surveillance and management of non-communicable disease. Health Research Policy and Systems.

Lu X, Bambrick H, Pongsumpun P, Dhewantara P, Toan T, Hu W. (2021) Dengue outbreaks in the COVID-19 era: alarm raised for Asia. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Moncada, S., Briguglio, L., Bambrick, H., Kelman, I., Iorns, C., & Nurse, L. (Eds). (2021) Small Island Developing States: Vulnerability and resilience under climate change. [Edited book] Springer.

Rice, M., Weisbrot, E., Bradshaw, S., Steffen, W., Hughes, L., Bambrick, H., Charlesworth, K., Hutley, N., & Upton, L. (2021). Game, Set, Match: Calling time on climate inaction. [Research report] The Climate Council.

Savage, A., Bambrick, H., McIver, L., & Gallagos, D. (2021). Climate change and socioeconomic determinants are structural constraints to agency in diet-related non-communicable disease prevention in Vanuatu: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health.

Savage, A., Huber, C., & Bambrick, H. (2021). Integration of Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction And Development In Vanuatu: A Systems Perspective. In L. Briguglio, J. Byron, S. Moncada, & W. Veenendaal (Eds.), [Book chapter] Governance in Small States. Routledge.

Si, X., Bambrick, H., Zhang, Y., Cheng, J., Bonsall, M., & Hu, W. (2021). Weather variability and COVID-19 transmission rates: a time series analysis based on effective reproductive number. Experimental Results, 3 March 2021.

Steffen, W., Bambrick, H., Morgan, G., Baxter, T., Arndt, D., Bradshaw, S., Dean, A., & Rice, M. (2021). Crunch Time: how climate action in the 2020s will define Australia. [Report] The Climate Council.

Tong, M., Wondmagegn, B., Xiang, J., Williams, S., Hansen, A., Dear, K., Pisaniello, D., Xiao, J., Jian, L., Scalley, B., Nitschke, M., Nairn, J., Bambrick, H., Karnon, J., & Bi, P. (2021). Emergency department visits and associated healthcare costs attributable to increasing temperature in the context of climate change in Perth, Western Australia, 2012-2019. Environmental Research Letters.

Tong, M., Wondmagegn, B., Williams, S., Hansen, A., Dear, K., Pisaniello, D., Xiang, J., Xiao, J., Jian, L., Scalley, B., Nitschke, M., Nairn, J., Bambrick, H., Karnon, J., & Bi, P. (2021). Hospital healthcare costs attributable to increasing heat in the context of climate change in Perth, Western Australia, 2006-2012. Advances in Climate Change Research.

Wondmagegn, B., Xiang, J., Dear, K., Williams, S., Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D., Nitschke, M., Nairn, J., Scalley, B., Varghese, B., Xiao, A., Jian, L., Tong, M., Bambrick, H., & Karnon, J. (2021). Increasing Impacts of Temperature on Hospital Admissions, Length of Stay, and Related Healthcare Costs in the Context of Climate Change in Adelaide, South Australia. Science of the Total Environment.

Zhang, Y., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2021). Using internet-based query and climate data to predict climate-sensitive infectious diseases transmission: A systematic review of epidemiological evidence. International Jounal of Biometeorology.

Zhang, Y., Bambrick, H., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2021). Rapid shortening of survival duration in early fatal cases of COVID-19, Wuhan, China. Experimental Results.



Akter, R., Hu, W., Gatton, M., Bambrick, H., Naish, S., & Tong, S. (2020)  responses of dengue to weather variability across climate zones in Queensland, Australia. Environmental Research.

Anhauser, A., Farlow, A., Myllvirta, L., Bambrick, H., & Moylan, J. (2020). Lethal Power: How burning coal is killing people in Australia. [Research report] Greenpeace.

Cheng, J., Bambrick, H., Yakob, L., Devine, G., Frentiu, F., Toan, D., Thai, P., Xu, Z., & Hu, W. (2020). Heatwaves and dengue outbreaks in Hanoi, Vietnam: new evidence on early warning. Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14.

Moncada, S., & Bambrick, H. (2020). Extreme weather events in small island developing states: Barriers to climate change adaptation among coastal communities in a remote island of Fiji In C. Kloeck & M. Fink (Eds.), Dealing with climate change on small islands: Towards effective and sustainable adaptation. [Book chapter] Göttingen University Press.

Savage, A., Bambrick, H., & Gallagos, D. (2020). From garden to store: local perspectives of changing food and nutrition security in a Pacific Island country. Food Security, 24 June.

Savage, A., Schubert, L., Huber, C., Bambrick, H., Bellotti, W., & Nina, H. (2020). Adaptation to the climate crisis: Gaps and opportunities for food and nutrition security and health in a Pacific small island state. Weather, Climate and Society, 12.

Westcott, R., Ronan, K., Bambrick, H., & Taylor, L. (2020). Natural hazards and adaptive response choices in a changing climate: promoting bushfire preparedness and risk reduction decision-making. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2(1).

Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Yakob, L., Devine, G., Frentiu, F., Salazar, F. V., Bonsato, R., & Hu, W. (2020). High relative humidity triggers the occurrence of the second seasonal peak of dengue in the Philippines. Science of the Total Environment, 708.

Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Frentiu, F., Devine, G., Yakob, L., Williams, G., & Hu, W. (2020). Projecting the future of dengue under climate change scenarios: progress, uncertainties and research needs. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Pongsumpun, P., Tang, M., Yakob, L., Devine, G., Frentiu, F., Wiliams, G., & Hu, W. (2020). Does Bangkok have a central role in the dengue dynamics of Thailand? Parasites and Vectors.

Zhang, Y., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., Tong, S., Feng, L., Zhang, L., Liu, G., Xi, A., & Hu, W. (2020). Association of sociodemographic factors and internet query data with pertussis infections in Shandong, China. Epidemiology and Infection.

Zhang, Y., Beggs, P. J., McGushin, A., Bambrick, H., Trueck, S., Hanigan, I., Morgan, G., Berry, H., Linnenluecke, M., Johnston, F., Capon, A., & Watts, N. (2020). The 2020 special report of the MJA-Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: lessons learnt from Australia’s ‘Black Summer’. Med J Aust.



Akter, R., Naish, S., Gatton, M., Bambrick, H., & Hu, W. (2019). Spatial and temporal analysis of dengue infections in Queensland, Australia: recent trends and perspectives. PLOS One, 14(7), e0220134.


Beggs, P. J., Zhang, Y., Bambrick, H., Berry, H., Linnenluecke, M., Trueck, S., Bi, P., Boylan, S., Green, D., Guo, Y., Hanigan, I., Johnston, F., Madden, D., Malik, A., Morgan, G., Perkins‐Kirkpatrick, S., Rychetnik, L., Stevenson, M., Watts, N., & Capon, A. (2019). The 2019 report of the MJA-Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: a turbulent year with mixed progress. Med J Aust, Nov 14 2019.

Cauchi, J., Correa-Velez, I., & Bambrick, H. (2019). Climate change, food security and health in Kiribati: A narrative review of the literature. Global Health Action, 12.

Cheng, J., Xu, A., Bambrick, H., Prescott, V., Wang, N., Zhang, Y., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2019). Cardiorespiratory effects of heatwaves: A systematic review and meta-analysis of global epidemiological evidence. Environmental Research, 177.

Cheng, J., Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Su, H., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2019). Impacts of heat, cold, and temperature variability on mortality in Australia, 2000-2009 Science of the Total Environment, 651, 2558-2565.

Cheng, J., Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Tong, S., Su, H., & Hu, W. (2019). Impacts of exposure to ambient temperature on burden of disease: a systematic review of epidemiological evidence. International Journal of Biometeorology, 63(8), 1099-1115.

Dang, T., Wraith, D., Bambrick, H., Dung, N., Truc, T., Tong, S., Naish, S., & Dunne, M. (2019). Short-term effects of temperature on hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction: a comparison between two neighbouring climate zones in Vietnam. Environmental Research, 175, 167-177.

Haswell, M., & Bambrick, H. (2019). Enabling environments. In E. Parker, I. Correa-Velez, & M. Fleming (Eds.) [Book chapter]  Introduction to Public Health.

Hossain, M., Bambrick, H., Wraith, D., Tong, S., Khan, A., Hore, S., & Hu, W. (2019). Socio-demographic, climatic factors and lower respiratory tract infection: a systemic literature review. International Journal of Biometeorology.

Hu, W., Huang, X., Milinovich, G., Barr, I., & Bambrick, H. (2019). Comparison of epidemical features of seasonal influenza across different climatic zones in Australia. Lancet Planetary Health.

Moncada, S., Bambrick, H., & Briguglio, M. (2019). The health impacts of a community biogas facility in an informal urban settlement: does training matter? Journal of Development Effectiveness, epub ahead of print.

Shamshirgaran, S., Jorm, L., Lujic, S., & Bambrick, H. (2019). Health related outcomes among people with type 2 diabetes by country of birth: Result from the 45 and Up Study. Primary Care Diabetes, 13(1), 71-81.

Steffen, W., Bambrick, H., Hussey, K., Gergis, J., Bourne, G., Brailsford, L., & Dean, A. (2019). Welcome to Queensland: Renewable one day, and the next, and the next… [Research report] The Climate Council.

Steffen, W., Hughes, L., Mullins, G., Bambrick, H., Dean, A., & Rice, M. (2019). Dangerous Summer: Escalating bushfire, heat and drought risks. [Research report] The Climate Council.

The Climate Council. (2019). Climate Cuts, Cover-ups and Censorship. [Research report]

Westcott, R., Ronan, K., Bambrick, H., & Taylor, M. (2019). Public Health and Natural Hazards: New Policies and Preparedness Initiatives Developed from an Australian Bushfire Case Study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 15 May 2019.

Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Yakob, L., Devine, G., Frentiu, F., Marina, R., Dhewantara, P., Nusa, R., & Sasmono, R. (2019). Using dengue epidemics and local weather in Bali, Indonesia to predict imported dengue in Australia. Environmental Research, 175, 213-220.

Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Yakob, L., Devine, G., Lu, J., Frentiu, F., Yang, W., Williams, G., & Hu, W. (2019). Spatiotemporal patterns and climatic drivers of severe dengue in Thailand. Science of the Total Environment.

Zhang, Y., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., Tong, S., Feng, L., Zhang, L., Liu, G., Xu, A., & Hu, W. (2019a). Resurgence of pertussis infections in Shandong, China: Space-time cluster and trend analysis. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Zhang, Y., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., Tong, S., Feng, L., Zhang, L., Liu, G., Xu, A., & Hu, W. (2019b). Using big data to predict pertussis infections in Jinan city, China: a time series analysis. International Journal of Biometeorology(DOI: 10.1007/s00484-019-01796-w).

Zhang, Y., Xu, A., Liu, G., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., Feng, L., Zhang, L., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2019). Association of weather variability with resurging pertussis infections among different age groups: a non-linear approach. Science of the Total Environment.



Bambrick, H. (2018, 12 September). Climate change should transform how we live and care for each other. [Editorial] The Climate Council.

Bambrick, H. (2018, 15 March). The temperature is rising ... and so is the death toll. [Editorial] Sydney Morning Herald.

Bambrick, H. (2018). Three hundred thousand children: The public health verdict against new coal. In D. Ritter (Ed.), The Coal Truth: The Fight to Stop Adani, Defeat the Big Polluters and Reclaim our Democracy (pp. 113-120). [Book chapter] UWA Publishing.

Cheng, J., Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Su, H., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2018). Heatwave and Elderly Mortality: An Evaluation of Death Burden and Health Costs Considering Short-term Mortality Displacement. Environment International, 115, 334-342.

Lansbury Hall, N., Bambrick, H., Roiko, A., & Creamer, S. (2018). On #WorldToiletDay, a call to action to address critical determinants of health. Croakey.[Editorial]

Moncada, S., Briguglio, L., Bambrick, H., & Kelman, I. (2018). Development and Climate Change in Small Island Developing States. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 10(2)

Steffen, W., Vertessy, R., Dean, A., Hughes, L., Bambrick, H., Gergis, J., & Rice, M. (2018). Deluge and drought: Australia’s water insecurity in a changing climate. [Research report]

Thurber, K., Joshy, G., Korda, R., Eades, S., Wade, V., Bambrick, H., Liu, B., & Banks, E. (2018). Obesity and its association with sociodemographic factors, health behaviours, and health status among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal adults in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, March 7 2018

Zhang, Y., Beggs, P., Bambrick, H., Berry, H., Linnenluecke, M., Trueck, S., Alders, R., Bi, P., Boylan, S., Green, D., Guo, Y., Hanigan, I., Hanna, E., Malik, A., Morgan, G., Stevenson, M., Tong, S., Watts, N., & Capon, A. (2018). The MJA-Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: Australian policy inaction threatens lives. Medical Journal of Australia, 209(11), 1.e1- 1.e21

Zhang, Y., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2018). Using Google Trends and Ambient Temperature to Predict Seasonal Influenza Outbreaks. Environment International, 117, 284-291



Bambrick, H. (2017, 11 February). ‘Clean coal’ nothing but lipstick on a pig. [Editorial] Fairfax regional newspapers.

Bambrick, H. (2017, 8 February). Extreme weather: underprepared hospitals under pressure. [Editorial] Fairfax regional newspapers

Bambrick, H. (2017, 25 July). It’s not renewables that are killing folk. [Editorial] Fairfax regional newspapers.

Bambrick, H. (2017). Resource extractivism, health and climate change in small islands. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 10, 272-288.

Cheng, J., Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Su, H., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2017). The Mortality Burden of Short-term Temperature Variability in Five Capital Cities, Australia: time-series and meta-regression analysis. Environment International, 109, 10-19.

Goldie, J., Alexander, L., Lewis, S., Sherwood, S., & Bambrick, H. (2017). Changes in relative fit of human heat stress indices to cardiovascular, respiratory and renal hospitalizations across five Australian urban populations. International Journal of Biometeorology(Epub ahead of print).

Hales, S., Kammila, R., & Bambrick, H. (2017 ). Health system adaptation to climate change in six least developed countries in Asia: Project proposal for the Global Environment Facility.

Steffen, W., & Bambrick, H. (2017, 19 May 2017). Climate Council: climate, health and economics are against Carmichael mine. [Editorial] The Conversation.

Steffen, W., Bambrick, H., Alexander, D., & Rice, M. (2017). Risky business: Health, climate and economic risks of the Carmichael coalmine. [Research report] The Climate Council.

Westcott, R., Ronan, K., Bambrick, H., & Taylor, M. (2017). Expanding protection motivation theory: investigating an application to animal owners and emergency responders in bushfire emergencies. BMC Psychology, 5(13).

Westcott, R., Taylor, M., Bambrick, H., & Ronan, K. (2017). Don't Just Do Something...Stand There!  Emergency Responders' Peri-Incident Perceptions of Animal Owners in Bushfire. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 4.

Zhang, Y., Millinovich, G., Xu, Z., Bambrick, H., Mengersen, K., Tong, S., & Hu, W. (2017). Monitoring Pertussis Infections Using Internet Search Queries. Nature Scientific Reports 7.


Bambrick, H. (2016). Climate change impacts on human health in the coastal zone. [Research report] National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF).

Bambrick, H. (2016). Coal-free future is brighter than you think.[Editorial] Fairfax regional newspapers. 3 October.

Bambrick, H. (2016) Zombie microbes, reindeer and the health risks of climate change. [Editorial] ABC The Drum. , 2 August.

Bambrick, H., & Moncada, S. (2016). Collecting water, Shashemene [Photo essay]. Global Health Action, 4(9), 31958.

Brown, J., & Bambrick, H. (2016). Will global warming make you fat? [Editorial] The Conversation. 29 March.

Brown, J., Bambrick, H., Barlow, S., Fallon, D., Fernandez-Piquer, J., Gallant, A., Hendrie, G., Nidumolu, U., Northfield, T., Poloczanska, E., Roiko, A., Tong, S., Vickers, C., & Wheeler, S. (2016). In 30 years, how might climate change affect what Australians eat and drink? Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (BAMOS), 29, 22-27.

McIver, L., Kim, R., Woodward, A., Hales, S., Spickett, J., Katscherian, D., Hashizume, M., Honda, Y., Kim, H., Iddings, S., Naicker, J., Bambrick, H., McMichael, A., & Ebi, K. (2016). Health impacts of climate change in Pacific Island countries. Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(11).

Tong, S., Berry, H., Ebi, K., Bambrick, H., Hu, W., Green, D., Hanna, E., Wang, Z., & Butler, C. (2016). Climate change, food, water and population health in China. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 94(10), 709-784.



Australian Academy of Science. (2015). Climate change challenges to health: Risks and opportunities. Recommendations from the 2014 Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank [Proceedings].

Bambrick, H., & Moncada, S. (2015). From social reform to social transformation: Human ecological systems and adaptation to a more hostile climate. In C. Butler, J. Dixon, & A. G. Capon (Eds.), Healthy Workers to a Healthy Planet. [Book chapter] ANU Press.

Bambrick, H., & Moncada, S. (2015). Managing climate-sensitive health risks in vulnerable Pacific Island communities: Lessons from Rabi Island [Proceedings] Our Common Future Under Climate Change, Paris.

Bambrick, H., Moncada, S., & Briguglio, M. (2015). Climate change and health vulnerability in informal urban settlements in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Env Res Lett, 10(5).

Bambrick, H., Moncada, S., & Briguglio, M. (2015). Climate change and health vulnerability in informal urban settlements in the Ethiopian Rift Valley [Film] Env Res Lett.

Banwell, C., Dixon, J., Bambrick, H., Edwards, F., & Kjellstrom, T. (2015). The socio-cultural dimension to climate change adaptation in Australia, with a focus on hot weather. In C. Butler, J. Dixon, & A. Capon (Eds.), [Book chapter] Healthy Workers to a Healthy Planet.

Burton, A., Bambrick, H., & Friel, S. (2015). If you don’t know how can you plan? Considering the health impacts of climate change in urban planning in Australia. Urban Climate, 12, 104-118.

Green, D., Bambrick, H., Taite, P., Goldie, J., Schultz, R., Webb, L., Alexander, L., & Pitman, A. (2015). Differential Effects of Temperature Extremes on Hospital Admission Rates for Respiratory Disease between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(2), 15352-15363.

McIver, L., Kim, R., Hales, S., Honda, Y., Spickett, J., Woodward, A., Bambrick, H., Hashizume, M., Iddings, S., Katscherian, D., Kim, H., & Naicker, J. (2015). Human Health and Climate Change in Pacific Island Countries. [Research report] World Health Organization.



Bambrick, H., & Hales, S. (2014). Dengue: Distribution and transmission dynamics. In C. Butler (Ed.), Climate Change and Global Health. [Book chapter] CABI.

Burton, A., Bambrick, H., & Friel, S. (2014). Is enough attention given to the impacts of climate change in health service planning? An Australian perspective. Global Health Action.

Shamshirgaran, S., Jorm, L., Bambrick, H., & Hennessy, A. (2014). Country-of-birth differences in adverse health behaviours among people with type 2 diabetes. Aust N Z J Public Health.

Tran, D., Jorm, L., Lujic, S., Bambrick, H., & Johnson, M. (2014). Type 2 diabetes hospitalisation and mortality in Vietnamese immigrants in Australia. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 18 Jan.

Vaneckova, P., & Bambrick, H. (2014). Approaches to baseline studies of human health in relation to industries with potential environmental impact (Independent review of coal seam gas activities in NSW

Webb, L., Bambrick, H., Tait, P., Green, D., & Alexander, L. (2014). Effect of ambient temperature on Australian Northern Territory public hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease among Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(2), 1942-1959.



Bambrick, H. (2013). Climate Adaptation Strategy for Health: Assessment report on climate change risks to health at district hospitals. [Research report] Government of Samoa.

Bambrick, H. (2013). Staying safe in a hotter Australia might depend on your income. [Editorial] The Conversation, (26 February).

Bambrick, H., & Gallego, G. (2013). Community attitudes to remunerated blood donation in Australia: results from a national telephone survey. Transfusion Science, 23(5), 302-308.

Bambrick, H., & Hales, S. (2013). Climate Adaptation Strategy for Health and Action Plan. [Research report] Government of Samoa.

Hasan, T., & Bambrick, H. (2013). The outbreak of dengue in Queensland 2008-2009: Was the weather to blame? . Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 44(4), 613-622.

Korda, R., Liu, B., Clements, M., Bauman, A., Jorm, L., Bambrick, H., & Banks, E. (2013). Prospective cohort study of body mass index and the risk of hospitalisation: findings from 246 361 participants in the 45 and Up Study. International Journal of Obesity, 37, 790-799.

Mayne, D., Morgan, G., Willmore, A., Rose, N., Jalaludin, B., Bambrick, H., & Bauman, A. (2013). An objective index of walkability for research and planning in the Sydney Metropolitan Region of New South Wales, Australia: an ecological study. International Journal of Health Geographics, 12.

Shamshirgaran, S., Jorm, L., Bambrick, H., & Hennessy, A. (2013). Independent roles of country of birth and socioeconomic status in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. BMC Public Health, 13.

Tran, D., Jorm, L., Johnson, M., Bambrick, H., & Lujic, S. (2013). Prevalence and risk factors of Type 2 diabetes in older Vietnam-borne Australians. Journal of Community Health, e-pub 3 August.

Tran, D., Jorm, L., Lujic, S., Bambrick, H., & Johnson, M. (2013). Effects of Acculturation on Lifestyle and Health Status Among Older Vietnam-Born Australians. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, e-pub July 15.

Vaneckova, P., & Bambrick, H. (2013). Cause-specific hospital admissions on hot days in Sydney, Australia. PLOS One, 8(2).



Bambrick, H., & Burton, A. (2012). Human Health Review and Research Synthesis for the Sydney Adaptation Strategy. [Research report] NSW Government.

Bambrick, H., Dear, K., Alexander, L., Vaneckova, P., Barnett, G., Beaty, M., Burton, A., & Capon, A. G. (2012, May 2012). Adapting to new extremes in heat events: Resilient cities and ‘panthermic’ planning for human health [Proceedings] Climate Adaptation Futures, University of Arizona, Tuscon.

Banwell, C., Dixon, J., Bambrick, H., Edwards, F., & Kjellstrom, T. (2012). Socio-cultural reflections on heat in Australia with implications for health and climate change adaptation. Global Health Action, 5(19277).

Burton, A., & Bambrick, H. (2012, May 2012). Urban planning for adaptation: What do planners understand about health impacts of climate change? [Proceedings] Climate Adaptation Futures, University of Arizona, Tuscon.

George, E., Kolt, G., Jorm, L., Bambrick, H., & Lujic, S. (2012). Physical activity and psychological distress in older men: Findings from the New South Wales 45 and Up Study. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 20(3), 300-316.

Mayne, D., Morgan, G., Wilmore, A., Bauman, A., Jalaludin, B., Bambrick, H., Rose, N., Rodgers, B., & Bennett, C. (2012). An objective index of walkability for the Sydney metropolitan region. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.

Tran, D., Jorm, L., Lujic, S., Bambrick, H., & Johnson, M. (2012). Country of birth recording in Australian hospital morbidity data: accuracy and predictors. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 36, 310-316.



Bambrick, H., & Woodruff, R. (2011). Climate change impacts on Ross River virus in Australia Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 

Bambrick, H., Woodruff, R., & Hanigan, I. (2011). Climate change threatens blood supply through altering the distribution of vector-borne disease: an Australian Case-Study Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 

Bambrick, H. J., Capon, A. G., Barnett, G. B., Beaty, R. M., & Burton, A. J. (2011, Jan 17). Climate Change and Health in the Urban Environment: Adaptation Opportunities in Australian Cities. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 23(2 Supp), 67-79.

Ng, S., Korda, R., Clements, M., Latz, I., Bauman, A., Bambrick, H., Liu, B., Rogers, K., Herbert, N., & Banks, E. (2011). Validity of self-reported height and weight and derived body mass index in middle- aged and elderly individuals in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 35(6), 557-563.

van Kleef, E., Bambrick, H., & Hales, S. (2011). The global distribution of dengue: past, present and future impacts of climate change Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.



Bambrick, H., Banwell, C., Dixon, J., Edwards, F., & Kjellstrom, T. (2010, 29 June - 1 July). Resilience and vulnerability among older Australians: Adaptive responses to heat [Proceedings], Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change, Gold Coast.

Bambrick, H., & Burton, A. (2010). Identifying key health adaptation opportunities in greater western Sydney [Proceedings] Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change, Gold Coast.

Bambrick, H., & Burton, A. (2010). Identifying key health adaptation opportunities in greater western Sydney [Proceedings] Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Tuscon, Arizona.

Bambrick, H., Woodruff, R., & Hanigan, I. (2010). Effective emissions targets needed to protect Australia’s blood supply [Research report] The Australia Institute.

Elliott, J. C., Lucas, R. M., Clements, M. S., & Bambrick, H. J. (2010). Population density determines the direction of the association between ambient ultraviolet radiation and type 1 diabetes incidence. Pediatric Diabetes, 11(6), 394-402.

George, E., Jorm, L., Kolt, G., Bambrick, H., & Lujic, S. (2010, 4-6 November). Physical activity and psychological distress in older men: Findings from the NSW 45 and Up Study Australian [Proceedings] Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport, Port Douglas.

Huda, A., Allen, J., Sinclair, C., Andrews, T., Lopes, A., Duarte, F., Bambrick, H., Craig, D., Jeffrey, M., & Campbell, S. (2010, 4-7 July 2010). Climate Change: Building Leadership Capacity within a Higher Education Institution [Proceedings] Climate Change: Agriculture, Food Security and Human Health for 9th International Farming Systems Association Europe Group Symposium, Vienna.

Korda, R., Banks, E., Clements, M., Bauman, A., Liu, B., Bambrick, H., & Jorm, L. (2010, September 2010). BMI and the risk of hospitalisation [Proceedings] Australian Epidemiological Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney.

Lucas, R. M., Bambrick, H. J., Gatenby, P., & McMichael, A. J. (2010). Recruiting child controls. Epidemiology, 21(2), 271-272.

McCarthy, L., Jones, A., Yeomans, N., Bambrick, H., Pacey, F., Ramanathan, J., & Wills, T. (2010). Engaging for Health: Medicine in Context as a case study in engaged teaching and learning for students of medicine. Australasian Journal of University Community Engagement, Spring, 67-87.

McCarthy, L., Jones, A., Yeomans, N., Bambrick, H., Pacey, F., Ramanathan, J., & Wills, T. (2010). Engaging for Health: Medicine in Context as a case study in engaged teaching and learning for students of medicine [Proceedings] Australian Universities Community Engagement Alliance (AUCEA) Conference. 

Shamshirgaran, S., Jorm, L., Bambrick, H., & Hennessy, A. (2010). Variation in Diabetes Prevalence and Risk Factors by Country of Birth: a Population Based Study [Proceedings] Australian Epidemiological Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney.

Tran, D., Jorm, L., Bambrick, H., Johnson, M., Lujic, S., & Randall, D. (2010). Country of birth recording in Australian hospital data: accuracy and predictors [Proceedings] Australian Epidemiological Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney.

van Kleef, E., Bambrick, H., & Hales, S. (2010). The geographic distribution of dengue fever and the potential influence of global climate change. TropIKA Neglected Tropical Diseases.


Bambrick, H. (2009). May contain traces of Mad Cow. [Editorial] New Matilda, 27 October.

Bambrick, H., Dear, K., & Hanigan, I. (2009). Deaths in a sunburnt country: Differential effects of temperature on mortality in a 'hot' country and implications for climate change adaptation [Proceedings] IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 

Bambrick, H., Fear, J., & Denniss, R. (2009). What does $50,000 buy in population research? Characteristics of internet survey participants compared with a random telephone sample [Technical Report)]

Bambrick, H. J., Woodruff, R. E., & Hanigan, I. C. (2009). Climate change could threaten blood supply by altering the distribution of vector-borne disease: an Australian case-study. Global Health Action, 2.

Banwell, C., Dixon, J., Bambrick, H., Kjellstrom, T. E., & Davies, A. (2009). Socio-cultural reflections on comfort and heat in Australia with implications for climate change adaption [Proceedings] IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.  

McMichael, A., & Bambrick, H. (2009). The global environment. In R. Detels, R. Beaglehole, M. Lansang, & M. Gulliford (Eds.), [Book chapter] The Oxford Textbook of Public Health (5th Edition ed., Vol. 1: The Scope of Public Health, pp. 220-237). Oxford University Press.



45 and Up Study Collaborators. (2008). Cohort Profile: The 45 and Up Study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 37(5), 941-947.

Bambrick, H. (2008, 3 September). The elixir of corporate compensation. [Editorial] New Matilda.

Bambrick, H., Dear, K., Woodruff, R., Hanigan, I., & McMichael, A. (2008). The impacts of climate change on three health outcomes: Temperature-related mortality and hospitalisations, salmonellosis and other bacterial gastroenteritis, and population at risk from dengue [Research report] Garnaut Climate Change Review.

Woodruff, R., & Bambrick, H. (2008). Climate change impacts on the burden of Ross River virus disease [Research report] Garnaut Climate Change Review.



Bambrick, H. (2007). Risky Trade: Infectious Disease in the Era of Global Trade [Book review]. Health Sociology Review, 16(2).

Bambrick, H., & Faunce, T. (2007). Author response: Potential impact of AUSFTA on Australia'a blood supply [Letter]. Medical Journal of Australia, 186(8), 430.

D'Souza, R. M., Bambrick, H. J., Kjellstrom, T. E., Kelsall, L. M., Guest, C. S., & Hanigan, I.  (2007) Seasonal variation in acute hospital admissions and emergency room presentations among children in the Australian Capital Territory. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 43(5), 359-365.

McMichael, A. J., & Bambrick, H. J. (2007) Greenhouse-gas costs of clinical trials. Lancet, 369(9573), 1584-1585.



Bambrick, H. (2006). Are boys more vulnerable to nutritional stress? Child weight growth in a Queensland Aboriginal community (1950-1982) in comparison with the new WHO references. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin, 6(3), 1-14.

Bambrick, H. (2006). Time to rethink Indigenous overweight and obesity. [Editorial] InTouch: Newsletter of the Public Health Association of Australia, 23(8), 3.

Bambrick, H., Broom, D., Faunce, T., Hull, T., Ibrahim, O., Johnston, K., Kelman, C., Mark, T., McCulloch, C., & Woodruff, R. (2006). [Submission] Parliamentary Review of Australia’s Plasma Fractionation Arrangements.

Bambrick, H., D'Souza, R., & Woodruff, R. (2006). Back to School and Off to Hospital: Childhood Asthma and the Return-To-School Effect [Proceedings] Epidemiology,

Bambrick, H. J., Faunce, T. A., & Johnston, K. (2006). Potential impact of AUSFTA on Australia's blood supply. Medical Journal of Australia, 185(6), 320-323.

D'Souza, R., Bambrick, H., & Woodruff, R. (2006). Seasonality of Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Diarrheal Emergency Hospital Admissions in 3 Australian Cities [Proceedings] Epidemiology. 

D'Souza, R., Bambrick, H., Woodruff, R., & McMichael, A. (2006). Emergency Hospital Admissions of Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure in 3 Australian Cities: Are They Associated With Climatic Factors? [Proceedings] Epidemiology. 

Faunce, T., Johnston, K., & Bambrick, H. (2006). The Trans-Tasman Therapeutic Products Authority: Potential AUSFTA Impacts on Safety and Cost-Effectiveness Regulation for Medicines and Medical Devices in New Zealand. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 37(3), 365-389.



Bambrick, H. (2005). Is globalisation bad for your health? Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia, 12(1), 21-24.

Bambrick, H. (2005). Point of care testing in Indigenous communities [Research report].

Bambrick, H. (2005). Relationships between BMI, waist circumference, hypertension and fasting glucose: Rethinking risk factors in Indigenous diabetes. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin, 5(4).

Beggs, P. J., & Bambrick, H. J. (2005). Is the global rise of asthma an early impact of anthropogenic climate change? Environmental Health Perspectives, 113(8), 915-919.

D'Souza, R., Becker, N., Hall, G., Kjellstrom, T., Bambrick, H., Kelsall, L., Hanigan, I., & Guest, C. (2005). Climatic factors associated with hospitalisations and emergency room presentations for diarrhoea in children [Proceedings] Epidemiology. 

D'Souza, R., Becker, N., Kjellstrom, T., Bambrick, H., Woodruff, R., Kelsall, L., Hanigan, I., & Guest, C. (2005). Influence of climatic factors on hospitalisations and emergency room presentations for asthma and other (non-asthma) respiratory conditions in children [Proceedings] Epidemiology. 

D’Souza, R., Kjellström, T., Bambrick, H., Hanigan, I., & Clements, M. (2005). Seasonal variation in acute hospital admissions (July 1992 - June 2003) and emergency room presentations (July 1998 - June 2003) among children under 5 years of age in the ACT. [Research report]

McMichael, A. J., & Bambrick, H. J. (2005). Meat consumption trends and health: casting a wider risk assessment net [Editorial]. Public Health Nutr, 8(4), 341-343.



Bambrick, H. (2004). Clean food, but for how much longer? [Editorial]. The Canberra Times, 4 November.

Bambrick, H. (2004). Trading in Food Safety: the impact of trade agreements on quarantine in Australia [Discussion Paper].

Bambrick, H. (2004). Type 2 Diabetes and patterns of alcohol use in a Queensland Aboriginal community. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin, 4(3), 1-7.

Bambrick, H. (2004). When FTA spells BSE: Trading away our food safety [Editorial. The Canberra Times. Reprinted twice in  InTouch: Newsletter of the Public Health Association of Australia, 22(1), 1-2. And The Australia Institute Newsletter, 41(3).

Bambrick, H., Broom, D., Denniss, R., & Faunce, T. (2004). Public Health Impacts of the Proposed Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Pharmaceuticals and Food Safety [Submission] Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America.

Bambrick, H. J., & Kjellstrom, T. E. (2004). Good for your heart but bad for your baby? Revised guidelines for fish consumption in pregnancy. Medical Journal of Australia, 181(2), 61-62.



Bambrick, H. (2000). Relationships between early life health and later adult illness: Type 2 diabetes in an Aboriginal community. [Proceedings] International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

Bambrick, H. (2001). Health Social Science [Book review]. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 2(2), 162-164.

Bambrick, H. (2001). Prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed type 2 diabetes in a Queensland Aboriginal community. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin, 1(1), 1-4.

Bambrick, H. (2003). Child growth and type 2 diabetes in a Queensland Aboriginal community. Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2003(2), 93-101.

Bambrick, H. (2003). Child Growth and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Queensland Aboriginal Community. [PhD Thesis]. The Australian National University.

Bambrick, H. (2003). Collateral Damage. [Editorial] InTouch: Newsletter of the Public Health Association of Australia, 20(6).

Bambrick, H. (2003). Globalisation: public health threats – and opportunities? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 27(6), 654-655. 

Bambrick, H., Broom, D., Butler, C., Carmichael, G., Gardner, A., Kee, C., Kelly, K., Lokuge, K., McMichael, A., Quinn, C., Sibthorpe, B., & Van Kerkhoff, L. (2003). Effects of the General Agreement on Trade in Services on Australian Population Health [Submission] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Senate Inquiry into the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).

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