Dr Haribondhu Sarma

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Dr Haribondhu Sarma is a global health researcher, currently working as a Research Fellow at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, Canberra. Dr Sarma is recognised for his extensive contributions in the fields of implementation research, health systems research, nutrition and vaccine program evaluation within the dynamic landscape of Asia and Pacific countries. Dr Sarma has played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of health systems policies and practices across diverse and complex contexts and possesses a deep understanding of the intricate challenges and opportunities inherent to the health systems of the Asia-Pacific region. Their efforts have led to the generation of critical insights into the functioning of health systems, thereby paving the way for evidence-based interventions that bridge gaps and enhance the overall healthcare delivery framework. Dr Sarma's remarkable work in vaccine program evaluation, particularly for the Gavi, the Vaccine Alliances for its Full Country Evaluation underscores his commitment to ensuring the effectiveness and accessibility of immunization initiatives in low- and middle-income countries. Their research has not only assessed the impact of existing vaccine programs but has also propelled the design of innovative strategies to optimize their implementation, resulting in increased immunization coverage and safeguarding public health. Furthermore, Dr Sarma's proficiency in implementation research has been instrumental in translating theoretical concepts into tangible, real-world outcomes. Their work encompasses the intricate process of taking research findings and translating them into actionable policies and programs, thereby fostering meaningful change within healthcare systems. Dr Sarma’s holistic approach to implementation research considers the cultural, social, and economic dynamics of each context, leading to tailored solutions that resonate with local populations. Dr Sarma has developed networks among several national and international funding agencies, research institutes, UN bodies and global alliances, including DFAT, UN-ESCAP, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (UK), the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Gavi–The Vaccine Alliance, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (USA).


domain Department

Research interests

  • Implementation science
  • Impact analysis of implementation research
  • Programme evaluation
  • Health systems research
  • Operations research
  • Mixed-methods research
  • Qualitative research

Teaching information


Convenor: Global Population Health


Xiyu Feng (2021-till data), PhD Project: Multimorbidity in Thailand.

Shuvagato Mondal (2022-till date), PhD Project: Household food insecurity and lack of sanitation facilities associated health risks in coastal regions of Bangladesh.

Sitotaw Bogale (2022-till date), PhD Project: Evaluating a lifestyle intervention to reduce metabolic syndromes in Ethiopia.

Ashis Talukder (2023-till date), PhD Project: Double burden of malnutrition in South and Southeast Asia.

Callum Lowe (2022- till date), PhD Project: Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) as a driver of child growth faltering.

Gayathri Menon (completed), MChD Project: Opportunities and challenges to accessing mental health services and support amongst South Asian Immigrants in Australia.


R1.17, Building 62 (Mills Road)