Professor Luis Salvador-Carulla

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Luis Salvador-Carulla has previously been the head of the Centre for Mental Health Research at the Research School of Population Health, Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra (Australia), leaving the role in November 2021. He has been advisor to the Government of Catalonia (Spain), the Spanish Ministry of Health, the European Commission (EC) and the World Health Organisation  (WHO). His research has been focused in developing decision support systems in health and social policy, including tools for analysis of technical efficiency and benchmarking, indicators for health policy analysis and priority setting in mental health and in disability. He has coordinated the Integrated Atlas of Mental Health Project for mapping mental health services in over 30 local areas around the World. He received the Leon Eisenberg Award of the Harvard Medical School in 2012 for his contributions in the field of developmental disorders.


Research interests

Research projects

Title: REFINEMENT (Financing systems’ effects on the Quality of Mental health care in Europe)

European Commission: 7th Framework Program. Ref 261459 (FP/-Health-2010-Single-Stage)  National coordinator (Spain) (PI intnl project: F Amaddeo) Other participants: Universita’ Degli Studi Di Verona Italy: F Amaddeo, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft Austria: H Katschnig, London School Of Economics: D McDaid, Terveyden Ja Hyvinvoinnin Laitos Finland: Wahlbeck K., Stiftelsen Sintef Norway:  V Halsteini, University Of Tartu Estonia: Raul Kiivet and Taavi Lai, Universite Paris Xii - Val De Marne France : Karine Chevreul , Institutul De Prognoza Economica Romania Carmen Beatrice P?una (2010-2013) €1.110.000

2. Title: Men @ Work. Black Dog Institute UNSW and BMRI, University of Sydney. CIAs: S. Harvey & N Glozier. CIs: H. Christensen , J. Proudfoot, P. Mitchell,  R. Bryant,  I. Hickie, J Buchanan, R Ryan, R Calvo, P Bohle, L Salvador-Carulla, A Fernandez. Movember Foundation. 2015-2017. Budget $2.880.000.

3. Title: Western Sydney LHD. Mapping MH services in Western Sydney LHD. Extension of the PiR evaluation project by Menzies Institute (Coordinator of the general project J. Gillespie, CIA). Coordinator of the extension project L Salvador-Carulla. LHD, National MH Commission. Dates: 1st  May  2014  to 30th  March 2015. Budget  74,000 AUD. 2nd extension 2016

4. Title: The Mental Health Atlas of South Western Sydney. South Western Sydney LHD. PIR Systems and Services Improvement Fund 2014/2015. CIA: L. Salvador-Carulla. Dates 1st October 2014 – 30th May 2015. Budget  98,000 AUD.

5. Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of Far West – New South Wales. CIA: L. Salvador-Carulla. Dates (April 2015-February 2016). The Mental Health Commission of New South Wales. Budget  198,000 AUD.

6. Title:  The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of the East and South East Sydney (July 2015-May 2016). CIA: Luis Salvador-Carulla. Funded by PIR East and South East Sydney. $139,861

7. Title: The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of Inner West Sydney (July 2015-May 2016). Co-funded by PIR Inner West Sydney and the SPARC flexible funding.  Sydney $140,000.

8. Title: Development of the integrated mental health atlas of Canberra ACT. PIA: L Salvador-Carulla.  Capital Health Network, Commissioned Research, 2016,  $139,182

9. Title: Evidence-Informed Expert Commentary on Complex Adaptive Systems Commissioned by The Sax, The Sax Institute and Menzies Centre of Health Policy. PIA: J Gillespie. PI L Salvador Carulla Commissioned Research by the National Commission of Safety and Quality.  2016, $90,000