Dr Catherine Pendrey

MBBS(Hons) BMedSci(Hons) GDipEcon FRACGP FARGP
Student (MAE)


Catherine is a Master of Applied Epidemiology (MAE) scholar in the 2022-23 cohort

Catherine is undertaking her Masters of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology at the World Health Collaborating Centre for Reference and Review on Influenza in Melbourne.

Her research projects include an investigation of the re-establishment of influenza endemicity in Victoria, Australia following the COVID-19 pandemic, and the application of a new model for influenza vaccine impact in the Australian context. Catherine is a remote general practitioner who has significant experience working in the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health sector and COVID-19 clinical response. She has broad interests in public health, including addressing the intersection between health, equity and environmental sustainability.  


Research interests

  • Public health 
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 
  • Communicable disease 
  • Primary health care 
  • Planetary health 


  • Pendrey C, Quilty S, Lucas R. Surveying the changing climate of Northern Territory medical workforce retention. Aust J Rural Health. 2022 Mar 1. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12858. Epub ahead of print. 

  • Pendrey CG, Quilty S, Gruen RL, Weeramanthri T, Lucas RM. Is climate change exacerbating health-care workforce shortages for underserved populations? Lancet Planet Health. 2021 Apr;5(4): e183-e184. doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(21)00028-0.  

  • Pendrey C, Beaton L, Kneebone J. General practice in the era of planetary health: responding to the climate health emergency. AJGP 2020; 49 (8)  

  • Pendrey C, Carey M, Stanley J. Impacts of extreme weather on the health and well- being of people who are homeless. Australian Journal of Primary Health. Nov 2013  

  • Yore D, Parker EL and Pendrey CGA. Medical schools as agents of change: socially accountable medical education, Med J Aust 2012; 197 (6): 333