Inter- and trans-disciplinarity (includes integration)

Resources developed by members of PHXchange are marked with a dagger (†).

Highlights from i2S resources

(for more resources search on relevant key words)

Interdisciplinarity: An overview

Interdisciplinary research: Guides for funders, researchers and research partners

Interdisciplinary research: Practical guidance

Interdisciplinary research: Short guides

Transdisciplinary research heuristics

Highlights from the i2Insights blog

(for more see inter-disciplinarity blog posts, trans-disciplinary blog posts and integration blog posts)

10 tips for next generation interdisciplinary research by Rachel Kelly

Improving transdisciplinary arts-science partnerships by Tania Leimbach and Keith Armstrong

Idea tree: A tool for brainstorming ideas in cross-disciplinary teams by Dan Stokols, Maritza Salazar, Gary Olson and Judith Olson

Knowledge asymmetry in interdisciplinary collaborations and how to reduce it by Max Kemman

Metacognition as a prerequisite for interdisciplinary integration by Machiel Keestra

Embracing tension for energy and creativity in interdisciplinary research by Liz Clarke and Rebecca Freeth

Transforming transdisciplinarity: Interweaving the philosophical with the pragmatic to move beyond either/or thinking by Katie Ross and Cynthia Mitchell

Skilful conversations for integration by Rebecca Freeth and Liz Clarke

Language matters in transdisciplinarity by Tilo Weber

A checklist for documenting knowledge synthesis by Gabriele Bammer

A guide for interdisciplinary researchers: Adding axiology alongside ontology and epistemology by Peter Deane

Leading large transdisciplinary projects by Sanford Eigenbrode, Lois Wright Morton and Timothy Martin

Interdisciplinarity and evil – Understanding incommensurability by J. Britt Holbrook

Lessons from “real-world laboratories” about transdisciplinary projects, transformative research and participation by Antonietta Di Giulio and Rico Defila

Is it legitimate for transdisciplinary research to set out to change society? by Antonietta Di Giulio and Rico Defila

Non-certified experts, stakeholders, practitioners… What participants are called defines transdisciplinarity by Antonietta Di Giulio and Rico Defila

CoNavigator: Hands-on interdisciplinary problem solving by Katrine Lindvig, Line Hillersdal and David Earle

What makes research transdisciplinary? by Liz Clarke

Epistemological obstacles to interdisciplinary research by Evelyn Brister

Three tasks for transdisciplinary bridge builders by Roderick Lawrence

Toolkits for transdisciplinary research by Gabriele Bammer

Methods for integration in transdisciplinary research by Matthias Bergmann

A guide to ontology, epistemology and philosophical perspectives for interdisciplinary researchers by Katie Moon and Deborah Blackman

Making sense of wicked problems by Bethany Laursen

Integration, part 2: The “how” by Julie Thompson Klein

Integration, part 1: The “what” by Julie Thompson Klein

Working together for better outcomes: lessons for funders, researchers, and researcher partners by Kit Macleod