Building resilience against COVID-19 in Australia

Australia's COVID-19 response

Australia (2020 - ongoing)

Australia has been overwhelmingly successful in its response to, and management of, COVID-19. HHRI team members were vital contributors to this success.

Our research on the epidemiology of COVID19 transmission and control informed key Commonwealth policies including the National Disease Surveillance Plan for COVID-19 and COVID-19 in Australia Public Health Intelligence Plan.

Throughout 2020, we developed evidence that informed aged and health care worker policies, and strengthened trust and engagement with disadvantaged groups in our community. This work was critical to ending Victoria’s 2020 resurgence of COVID-19, and has informed Australia’s response to subsequent COVID-19 outbreaks.

Alongside expert advice on response measures, we provided practical on-the-ground support such as assistance to Victoria’s outbreak response teams, for establishment of the General Practice Respiratory Clinics, and for the Commonwealth Government repatriation of Australian citizens and residents from Wuhan, China.

We continue to conduct research to inform a safe and sustainable reopening of Australia.

Updated:  15 June 2021/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer